Next Meeting: Mo, 29.06., 17h, UV10 ====== HMM Based Evolution ====== The idea is to use [[|Transducers]], which act like [[|pairHMM]] for simulating evolutionary events. Those Transducers should be based on grammars, so there also a need for a specific grammar and its parser. ===== Responsibilities ===== |**Subject**|**Name**| | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:Annotationclass|Annotationclass ''A*****'']] | Kai | | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:Operations|Operations]] | Madis, Kai | | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:TransducerModel|Transducer Model]] | Daniel | | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:TransducerLanguageParser|Transducer Language + Parser]] | Madis | | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:TransducerSequencer|Transducer Sequencer]] | | | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:AnnotationHierarchy|Annotation hierarchy]] | Kai | | [[:Teaching:2009summer:RoseP:HMMEvolution:Phylotree|Phylotree]] | | ===== Papers ===== * {{ 517Introduction_Transducer.pdf | Introduction to Transducers - Mutation and Alignment }} * {{ 517Evolutionary_HMM.pdf | Evolutionary HMMs represented by different Transducers }} * {{ 517Transducer_Basics.pdf | Basic Information and Ideas for Usage of Transducers }} ===== Useful Web Ressources ===== * [[|]] ===== First Ideas ===== * One //Superannotation // for all possible annotations * User can create new Anootations using the Superannotation * All evolutionary steps will be built from a set of parametririzable basic operations: * Insertion * Deletion * Duplication * Double-Cut-Join * Move (Transposon) * Substitution Transducer is sequence based * Need of neutral state (no event) * Step by step (base by Base) Hierarchical annonations, tree like -- (Chromosome (Gen (Intron, Exon)), Transposon) ===== Further Bla ===== * Mutationprobabilities (edges in phylotree (inverse probabilities) must be >= 1) will affect only outgoing edges from Match state * Probabilities will be stored in matrices for each annotation and mutation * Startingposition for Transposon/Satelites will be set automatically ===== Use Cases ===== * Automaton Modell definieren √ * Automaton Schnittstellen definieren & implementieren√ * Automaton fuer Character-Basierte Evolution erstellen √/X * Automaton Controller erstellen √/X * Join Automata √ * Import von konkreten Automata erstellen X * Schnittstelle zum User Interface herstellen X * Konkrete Automata fuer verschiedene Annotationen erstellen X knapp 50% √ ===== Final Report ===== Download {{ 517report.pdf | here }}.