Bioinformatics Journal Club

392172 Melidis, Stoye Winter 2015/2016 Monday 16-18 in U10-155 ekvv


In this seminar we read and discuss current research articles from different fields in bioinformatics. Each participant must present in few minutes two articles of their choice one week before their presentation. The group then votes which article will be discussed in detail in the subsequent week. To this end, the participant who proposed the article will take the lead of the discussion. All participants must read the paper and prepare themselves for the discussion.

The topics of presented papers should be related to bioinformatics, biology, or computer sciences.


Date Topic Name Article
19.10.2015 Organization of the journal club Damianos Melidis, Jens Stoye
26.10.2015 Sequence Comparison by LSH Damianos Melidis open access
16.11.2015 Models and Algorithms for Genome Rearrangement with Positional Constraints Elói Soares de Araújo online
23.11.2015 (DiDy Retreat)
30.11.2015 Universal Reconstruction of a String Omar Castillo pdf
07.12.2015 Geometric Suffix Tree Jens Stoye pdf
14.12.2015 A simple framework on sorting permutations Pedro Feijão pdf
28.12.2015 (christmas break)
04.01.2016 (christmas break)
11.01.2016 The solution space of sorting by DCJ Damianos Melidis publisher link
18.01.2016 Character sets of stringsOmar Castillo pdf
25.01.2016 DCJ-Indel sorting revisited Francisco Elói Soares de Araújo open access
01.02.2016 DCJ-Indel sorting revisited (continuation) Francisco Elói Soares de Araújo open access
08.02.2016 On the distribution of cycles and paths in multichromosomal breakpoint graphs and the expected value of rearrangement distancePedro Feijão open access

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