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events [2024/03/08 13:32] (current)
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 +====== News and Events related to the Genome Informatics group ======
 +==== Upcoming Events ====
 +==== Regular events ====
 +  * [[teaching | Genome Informatics Research Seminar]]: Monday at 14 c.t., U10-146 ​
 +  * [[teaching | Bioinformatics Journal Club]]: Monday at 10 c.t., U10-155 ​
 +  * CeBiTec Colloquium: Monday at 17 c.t., G2-104 ​
 +==== Past Events ====
 +  * 10.-14.02.2020:​ [[:​teaching:​2019winter:​applcompgenomics|Guest lecturing by Cedric Chauve]]
 +  * 16.01.2020: PhD defense Sebastian Jaenicke
 +  * 24.10.2019: BIBI/ZB MED joint Workshop
 +  * 30.09.-02.10.2019:​ [[https://​www.uni-bielefeld.de/​(en)/​ZiF/​AG/​2019/​09-30-Stoye.html|ZiF-Workshop on Computational Pan-Genomics]]
 +  * 16.-27.09.2019:​ [[:​teaching:​2019winter:​applcompgenomics|Guest lecturing by Cedric Chauve]]
 +  * 31.07.2019: [[https://​www.uni-bielefeld.de/​fakultaeten/​technische-fakultaet/​bibi|BIBI]] Foundation Ceremony
 +  * 17.06.2019: Aggi Day
 +  * 10.-11.04.2019:​ [[phyloworkshop2019|Mini-Workshop on phylogenetics]]
 +  * 26.03.2019: PhD defense Linda Sundermann
 +  * 18.-19.02.2019:​ Colloquium "​Service Science in the Life Sciences"​
 +  * 02.08.2018: Visit by Chinese delegation (Ming Chen)
 +  * 17.07.2018: Aggi Day
 +  * 07.-08.05.2018:​ [[:​events:​brew2018|BREW 2018, Bielefeld]]
 +  * 16.04.2018: [[events:​ssvq2018|Mini-Workshop "​Storage of and Search in Viral Quasispecies"​]]
 +  * 20.-22.11.2017:​ [[events:​workshopcds2017|Workshop on Computational Data Science in Bioinformatics]]
 +  * 10.07.2017: Aggi Day
 +  * 25.04.2017: PhD defense Guillaume Holley
 +  * 24.04.2017: PhD defense Eyla Willing
 +  * 24.-26.4.2017:​ Joint MADD-Gen/​DiDy workshop, Bielefeld
 +  * 3.-5.03.2017:​ [[15yearsaggi|15th anniversary]] of AGGI in Bonn
 +  * 15.12.2017: PhD defense Nina Luhmann
 +  * 30.06.2016: Aggi Day 
 +  * 23.-24.02.2016:​ [[events:​dsb2015|DSB 2016]] in Bielefeld
 +  * 04.-07.10.2015:​ [[https://​applbio.biologie.uni-frankfurt.de/​recombcg2015/​|RECOMB-CG 2015]] in Frankfurt ​
 +  * 20.04.2015: Aggi Day 
 +  * 29.09.-01.10.2014:​ [[https://​gcb2014.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​|GCB 2014]] in Bielefeld ​
 +  * 19.06.2014: [[http://​wiki.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​AGGIDay2014|AGGIDay2014]] ​
 +  * 12./​13.5.2014:​ [[events:​brew2014|BREW]]
 +  * 09.-10.12.2013:​ [[events:​workshoppangenomestoragesearch2013|Mini-Workshop on the Storage, Search and Annotation of Multiple Similar Genomes]] (U10-146) ​
 +  * 04.-05.02.2013:​ [[internal:​nwgbiretreat2013|North-West German Bioinformatics Retreat, Schloss Neuhaus]] ​
 +  * 13.09.2012: [[events:​combalgbioinfworkshop2012|Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics]] (Faculty of Mathematics,​ Natural Sciences and Information Technologies,​ University of Primorskain,​ Koper, Slovenia) ​
 +  * 09.08.2012, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Juliane Dohm (U10-146) ​
 +  * 12.07.2012, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Guillaume Holley (U10-146) ​
 +  * 29.06.2012, 16 c.t.: FSPM Mini Workshop (V3-204): Mike Steel & Jan Manuch (V3-204) ​
 +  * 29.06.2012, 11 s.t.: Guest lecture Xue Tian (U10-146) ​
 +  * 20.06.2012, 11 s.t.: Celebration of Human Genome Browser EuroNode in Bielefeld (V6-138) ​
 +  * 14.06.2012, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Jan Manuch (U10-146) ​
 +  * 12.06.2012: Summer event 2012: Auenland-Draisinen (Rahden), barbecue ​
 +  * 08.06.2012, 11 s.t.: Guest lecture Murray Paterson (U10-146) ​
 +  * 30.05.2012, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Kerstin Voigt (G2-104) ​
 +  * 26.04.2012, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Iman Hajirasouliha (U10-146) ​
 +  * 03.-04.03.2012:​ [[events:​10yearsaggi|10 years AGGI]] social event 
 +  * 01.-02.03.2012:​ [[events:​10yearsaggi|10 years AGGI]] official event 
 +  * 26.01.2012: [[events:​sequenceworkshop2012|Mini Workshop "High Performance Sequence Analysis"​]] (U10-146) ​
 +  * 09.01.2012: [[events:​medicalsymposium2012|Mini Symposium "​Bioinformatics and Medicine"​]] (U10-146) ​
 +  * 03.11.2011, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Idir Yahiatene (U10-146) ​
 +  * 21.09.2011, 11 s.t.: Two guest lectures Sebastian Böcker (U10-146) ​
 +  * 10.08.2011: Aggi Day: Hiking around Altenbeken, beer garden, barbecue ​
 +  * 21.07.2011, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Inanc Birol (G2-104) ​
 +  * 04.07.2011, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Niko Beerenwinkel (G2-104) ​
 +  * 16.06.2011, 10-15: [[events:​evolutionanalysissymposium2011|Mini Symposium "New Ideas in Evolutionary Analysis"​]] (U10-146) ​
 +  * 20.-22.05.2011:​ [[http://​brew2011.cs.ut.ee/​|BREW 2011]] (Tartu, Estonia) ​
 +  * 07.-08.04.2011:​ CLIB-Retreat,​ Bonn 
 +  * 24.02.-25.02.2011:​ IfB-Retreat,​ Loccum ​
 +  * 03.03.2011, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Harout Aydinian, Christian Deppe (U10-146) ​
 +  * 20.01.2011, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Marvin Mundry (U10-146) ​
 +  * 17.02.2011, 16 c.t.: Joint seminar by Peter Erdös and Jens Stoye (U10-146) ​
 +  * 14.12.2010, 18:00: Christmas party (Jahnplatz/​Weihnachtsmarkt) ​
 +  * 14.12.2010, 16:00: Christmas pre-party (U10-155) ​
 +  * 08.11.2010, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Kerstin Bartscherer (G2-101) ​
 +  * 21.07.2010, 14 c.t.: Guest lectures Atheer Matroud, Marc Hellmuth ​
 +  * 29.10.2010, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Distinguished Lecture Udo Reichl (H13) 
 +  * 07.10.2010, 16 c.t.: Guest lecture Murray Patterson (U10-146) ​
 +  * 04.10.2010, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Sebastian Leidel (G2-101) ​
 +  * 30.-31.08.2010:​ CLIB-Retreat,​ Delbrück ​
 +  * 02.08.2010, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Herbert Jäger (G2-101) ​
 +  * 20.07.2010, 17 c.t.: IfB Colloquium Cinzia Pizzi (U10-146) ​
 +  * 19.07.2010, 18 c.t.: Dissertation defense Florian Lipsmeier (W0-135) ​
 +  * 19.07.2010, 17 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Annelyse Thévenin (G2-101) ​
 +  * 19.07.2010, 10 c.t.: Dissertation defense Katharina Jahn (U10-146) ​
 +  * 16.07.2010, starting at 17:00: TechFak-Sommerfest 2010 (CITEC courtyard) ​
 +  * 09.-10.07.2010:​ [[http://​www.hitseq.org/​|HiTSeq 2010]] at ISMB (Boston) ​
 +  * 21.06.2010, 16 c.t.: CeBiTec Colloquium Arndt Borkhardt (ZiF, Plenarsaal) ​
 +  * 21.06.2010, 11:30: Guest lecture Susanne Reuther (U10-146) ​
 +  * 07.05.2010, 16 s.t.: [[http://​ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/​blog/​uniaktuell/​entry/​20_jahre_impulse_und_erfolge|20 Jahre TechFak]] (H4) 
 +  * 03.-05.05.2010:​ [[http://​www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​symposium/​nfmgr2010|CeBiTec Symposium 2010]] (ZiF) 
 +  * 22.04.2010, 16 c.t.: Dissertation defense Naryttza Diaz (G2-104) ​
 +  * 25.03.2010, 10 c.t.: Dissertation defense José Augusto Amgarten Quitzau (U10-146) ​
 +  * 15.-16.03.2010:​ ANI/​GI-Retreat,​ Warstein ​
 +  * 22.02.2010, 16 c.t.: Dissertation defense Roland Wittler (U10-146) ​
 +  * 21.-25.09.2009:​ [[http://​www.uni-bielefeld.de/​sombi/​|SomBi 2009]] ​
 +  * 27.07.2009: [[events:​datacompressionworkshop2009|Mini Workshop on Data Compression]] ​
 +  * 23.-24.02.2009:​ [[http://​wiki.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/​tf/​Retreat_AGPI_AGGI_0309|PI/​GI-Retreat,​ Münster]] ​