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 +====== Genome Informatics ======
 +{{ :​yellowtree.jpg?​nolink|}}Welcome to the web pages of the Genome Informatics group headed by [[http://​www.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/​~stoye/​|Jens Stoye]].
 +Our [[:​research|research]] is focused on the development of computational methods for the analysis of genomic and post-genomic data. In this area, we span a broad spectrum of algorithm and software development,​ from the low level of DNA sequence comparison up to the higher levels of pangenomics,​ comparative genomics and phylogenetics.
 +{{:​mbraga.jpg?​nolink |}}The goal of our work is to provide methods and software to support molecular biologists in better understanding and analyzing experimental data but, admittedly, the group is also driven by the fun to work on some of the more theoretical and combinatorial problems that arise in computational genomics.
 +Our [[teaching|academic teaching]] concentrates on algorithms and data structures for the efficient analysis of biological sequences and phylogenetic tree reconstruction,​ and also deals with various other topics in computational genome research.
 +The group contributes to the [[http://​bibi.uni-bielefeld.de|Bielefeld Institute for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (BIBI)]] and its graduate school [[https://​wiki-dils.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de|Digital Infrastructure for the Life Sciences (DILS)]], as well as to the research area [[http://​www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​index.php/​research-areas/​area-1|Large Scale Genomics and Big Data Bioinformatics]] of the [[http://​www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​|Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec)]].
 +We are involved in the two consortia [[https://​www.nfdi4biodiversity.org|NFDI4Biodiversity]] and [[https://​nfdi4microbiota.de|NFDI4Microbiota]] and the two EU projects [[https://​www.pangenome.eu|PANGAIA]] and [[https://​alpaca-itn.eu|ALPACA]].
 +==== How to Reach Us ====
 +**By train:** Arriving at Bielefeld Hbf (main station), exit the building towards the city center; you should see the Bielefelder Hof hotel in front of you (if you see a Cinemaxx, you are on the wrong side!). Cross the street to get to the underground tram (Stadtbahn / U-Bahn) station. Take tram number 4 towards Universität / Lohmannshof. Exit the tram at Universität. Walk up the stairs and cross the red bridge towards the university main building. Enter it and walk up the stairs. You are now standing in the main hall. Turn right, walk about 50m, and look on your left hand side for a staircase labelled U,V,M. Take the elevator to the 10th floor (if the elevator does not go up to the 10th floor, you are at the wrong elevator!). When exiting, turn left and again left. You are now in U10, where our offices are.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +=== Address ===
 +Universität Bielefeld \\
 +Technische Fakultät \\
 +AG Genominformatik \\
 +Postfach 10 01 31 \\
 +33501 Bielefeld \\
 +Germany \\
 +**Phone** \\
 ++49 521 106-6882 (Secretary) \\
 +**Fax** \\
 ++49 521 106-6495 \\
 +<WRAP half column>
 +=== Physical Address ===
 +Universität Bielefeld \\
 +Hauptgebäude (main building) \\
 +Universitätsstraße 25 \\
 +33615 Bielefeld \\
 +Germany \\
 +**Secretary'​s office** \\
 +U10-151 \\
 +(building part U, tenth floor, office no. 151)