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research [2016/11/02 10:06]
research [2024/05/16 15:01] (current)
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 +====== Research ======
 +The primary material analyzed by genome informatics are genomic sequences. Beyond the acquisition and basic analysis of these data, the next challenge is to extract the higher-level information encoded in them, which poses the need for sound mathematical models, efficient algorithms, and user-friendly software.
 +Research in the Genome Informatics group spans a broad spectrum in this exciting field, from the low level of DNA sequence comparison up to the higher levels of comparative genomics, and making better infrastructures.
 +==== Efficient Comparison of DNA Sequences (aka team kmers) ====
 +=== Improving search engines for DNA sequences ​ ===
 +The amount of publicly available sequencing data is growing faster than computational power. Searching for a sequence of interest among datasets is a fundamental need; however, no method scales to the dozens of petabytes of data already available today. Thus, new computational methods are required to perform a search against datasets.
 +Queries on large-scale datasets are usually done by indexing all k-mers (words of length k) from sequences. These k-mers are then typically indexed in an Approximate membership query (AMQ) data structure. The proportion of shared k-mers between the indexed datasets and the AMQ then gives an overview of the presence of the query in a dataset.
 +To index a set of sequences, AMQ data structures typically require less space than the original set. However, AMQ data structures suffer from a non-null false positive rate, which biases downstream analysis.  ​
 +AMQ data structures can be generalized for additionally recording the abundance of indexed elements, they are then called "​counting AMQ" data structures. The abundance information is crucial for many biological applications such as transcriptomics or metagenomics. However, counting AMQs data structures suffer from false positives and overestimated calls. ​
 +We propose strategies to reduce the false positive rate and overestimation rate of both AMQ and counting AMQ data structures.
 +=== Fast Heuristic Local Alignment Search in Pangenome Graphs ​ ===
 +<WRAP left>​{{research:​plastalignment.png?​300,​nolink}}</​WRAP>​ The advent of High Throughput Sequencing raises a major concern about storage and indexing of data produced by these technologies. Large-scale sequencing projects generate an unprecedented volume of genomic sequences ranging from tens to several thousands of genomes per species. These collections contain highly similar and redundant sequences, also known as pangenomes. ​
 +Pangenomes are oftentimes represented by graphical data structures such as //colored de Bruijn graphs// (CDBGs) in which vertices represent colored //k//-mers, words of length //k// associated with the genomes in which they occur. CDBGs may also be compacted by merging vertices of unique non-branching paths. ​
 +Representing pangenomes as compacted CDBGs is beneficial, but it requires modifications of methods to query the data. We study the problem of finding high scoring local alignments between a query sequence and a compacted CDBG that are likely to represent sequence homology. Our work is in line with the popular [[https://​doi.org/​10.1016/​S0022-2836(05)80360-2|BLAST algorithm]]. Our method is published in [[https://​doi.org/​10.1093/​bioinformatics/​btab077|Bioinformatics]]. An implementation and further documentation are available [[https://​github.com/​tischulz1/​plast|here]]. ​
 +=== Sequence-Based Pangenomic Core Detection ===
 +{{:​pangenome.png?​nolink&​300 |}} One of the most basic kinds of analysis to be performed on a pan genome is the detection of its core, i.e., the information shared among all members. Pangenomic core detection is classically done on the gene level and many tools focus exclusively on core detection in prokaryotes.
 +We are working on a new method for sequence-based pangenomic core detection. Our model generalizes from a strict core definition allowing us to flexibly determine suitable core properties depending on the research question and the data set under consideration. We propose an algorithm based on a CDBG that runs in linear time with respect to the number of //k//-mers in the graph. An implementation of our method is called [[https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​corer|Corer]]. Due to the usage of a CDBG, it works alignment-free,​ is provided with a small memory footprint, and accepts as input assembled genomes as well as sequencing reads. Corer has been presented as RECOMB-seq in 2022 and a manuscript is published in [[https://​doi.org/​10.1016/​j.isci.2022.104413|iScience]].
 +=== Pangenome Openness ===
 +<WRAP left>​{{research:​pangrowth_richness.jpg?​300,​nolink}}</​WRAP>​ The field of pangenomics emerged from the study of bacterial genomes, initially
 +defining the pangenome as the comprehensive set of genes within a species. ​
 +Early research discovered substantial differences in pangenome sizes across
 +species, introducing the concept of pangenome openness. This concept reflects a
 +species'​ capacity for colonizing new environments and its genetic diversity. ​
 +Given the rapid increase in genomic data and the time-consuming steps required
 +by traditional gene-based methods -- such as annotation, gene homology
 +identification,​ and the need for fully assembled genomes -- we propesd an
 +alternative to estimate pangenome openness with the use of //k//-mers, short DNA
 +sequences of fixed length. We developed a tool called [[https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​pangrowth|Pangrowth]],​ which
 +efficiently estimates this openness.
 +==== Computational Comparative Genomics ====
 +=== Comparative Pangenomics ===
 +<WRAP left>​{{bpandpangenome.png?​300,​nolink}}</​WRAP>​ Genome rearrangements have been studied extensively in theoretical works of Comparative Genomics. These results however, have only been applied on a limited scale to real genomes. The continuing progress of sequencing projects and technology made more and more high quality genomes available and enabled even Pangenomic analyses, that is, analyses that include all availailable genomes of a species. Pangenomics and theoretical Rearrangement Studies utilize remarkably similar graph data structures. Given the abundance of theoretical results in Comparative Genomics, ​ it is likely that many of these results can be applied in Pangenomics. Conversely, the abundance of practical results in the construction of Pangenome graphs can likely contribute to these theoretical results seeing more real world applications.
 +=== Orthology Inference via Large-scale Rearrangements ===
 +<WRAP left>​{{research:​ff-relationalgraph.png?​300,​nolink}}</​WRAP>​ Computing distances based on large-scale rearrangements between two family-annotated genomes ({{https://​pub.uni-bielefeld.de/​record/​2946303|Bohnenkämper et al., 2021}}) was converted into a method that takes genome rearrangements into consideration for inferring gene orthologies of two genomes ({{https://​pub.uni-bielefeld.de/​record/​2954832|Rubert,​ Martinez & Braga, 2021}}). For a set of //k// genomes, the inference of pairwise gene orthologies is the core of OrthoFFGC, a tool for inferring gene families across the //k// input genomes ({{https://​pub.uni-bielefeld.de/​record/​2959611|Rubert,​ Doerr & Braga, 2021}}; {{https://​pub.uni-bielefeld.de/​record/​2983338|Rubert & Braga, 2023}}; {{https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​ffgc|OrthoFFGC-website}}).
 +=== Sequence-based Phylogenomics ===
 +{{research:​weakly.png?​nolink |SANS|}}Comparative genomics often involves the reconstruction of phylogenies. The ever-increasing number of available genomes, many of which are published in an unfinished state or lack sufficient annotation, poses challenges to traditional phylogenetic inference methods that rely on the comparison of marker sequences.
 +Whole-genome approaches have emerged as a solution to these challenges, but as these approaches are based on pairwise comparisons between genomes, their runtime increases quadratically with the number of input sequences, making them unsuitable in large-scale scenarios.
 +SANS ({{https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​sans|tool-website}};​ {{https://​doi.org/​10.1093/​bioinformatics/​btab444|Rempel and Wittler, 2021}}; {{https://​doi.org/​10.1186/​s13015-020-00164-3|Wittler,​ 2020}}) is a whole-genome based, alignment- and reference-free approach that does not rely on a pairwise comparison of genomes. ​
 +In a pangenomic approach, evolutionary relationships are determined based on the similarity of the whole sequences. Sequence segments (//​k//​-mers) shared by a subset of genomes are interpreted as a phylogenetic split indicating the closeness of these genomes and their separation from the other genomes.
 +=== Evolution of Gene Clusters ===
 +{{:​ancestor_reconstruction.png?​nolink |Acestor-Reconstruction|}}We integrate the concept of conserved gene clusters into the framework of phylogenetics. Here, the focus is not any more on the discovery of new gene clusters, but on their evolution. Given the topology of a phylogenetic tree and the gene orders of the leaf nodes, our methods reconstruct ancestral gene orders at the internal nodes under different evolutionary (rearrangement) models (see [[http://​bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/​rococo|Rococo]],​ [[https://​github.com/​pedrofeijao/​RINGO|RINGO]],​ [[https://​github.com/​nluhmann/​PhySca|PhySca]]).\\
 +In addition, the development of ancient DNA (aDNA) sequencing led us to the problem of integrating this additional data in the reconstruction of ancestral genomes, aiming to scaffold fragmented aDNA assemblies and to improve the global reconstruction of all ancestors in the phylogeny.
 +==== Infrastructure ====
 +=== SANS-ambages ===
 +{{research:​sans.png?​nolink |SANS-ambages| }}We maintain a software tool for alignment-free,​ whole-genome based phylogenomics implementing the SANS approach (see above: "​Sequence-based Phylogenomics"​). The current version "SANS ambages"​ (**a**bundance-filter,​ **m**ulti-threading and **b**ootstrapping
 +on **a**mino-acid or **ge**nomic **s**equences) provides several new features:
 +besides processing DNA sequences (whole genomes or assemblies),​ SANS ambages can also work on amino acid level taking protein
 +sequences (translated or untranslated) as input. Further, the ability to process read data has been enhanced by the option to filter out low-abundant sequence segments. Multiple input sequences can be processed in parallel, and bootstrapping allows to augment the output with confidence values.
 +SANS is hosted as a [[https://​www.denbi.de|de.NBI]] service and can easily be obtained from our [[https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​sans|Gitlab]] repository.
 +=== SOCKS & PanBench ===
 +  <p style="​margin-top:​ 0.5em; margin-bottom:​ 0.5em;">​
 +    A major challenge in computational pangenomics is the memory- and time-efficient analysis of multiple genomes in parallel. Many software tools used in the current research follow the idea of colored <​i>​k</​i>​-mer sets to efficiently index and query a large collection of strings, but use different strategies when it comes to the implementation. The aim of this project is to evaluate the different solutions and establish a standard interface.
 +  </p>
 +  <p style="​margin-top:​ 0.5em; margin-bottom:​ 0.5em;">​
 +    The <span style="​font-weight:​ 500;">​SOCKS</​span>​ interface (<​u>​So</​u>​ftware for <​u>​c</​u>​olored <​u><​i>​k</​i></​u>​-mer sets) defines a common set of core features and standard input and output formats that software tools in computational pangenomics should implement. It aims to enhance the comparability and interoperability of these tools for the benefit of both developers and users. A detailed description of the interface including some examples can be found on the dedicated <a href="​https://​panbench.eu/​interface/">​project page</​a>​.
 +  </p>
 +  <p style="​margin-top:​ 0.5em; margin-bottom:​ 0.5em;">​
 +    <span style="​font-weight:​ 500;">​PanBench</​span>​ (<​u>​Pan</​u>​genomics <​u>​Bench</​u>​mark and Workbench) is an open catalog of software tools for computational pangenomics and is an example of what such a common interface makes possible. It allows users and developers to search for tools by different criteria, compare the performance of these tools, and test each tool in a user-friendly <a href="​https://​panbench.eu/​tools/">​web interface</​a>​ before downloading and installing the software on their local machine.
 +  </p>
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1567.41 1054.59 1564.93 1055.32 1562.38 1055.39 1559.82 1055.39 1553.4 1055.39 1547.48 1052.47 1543.18 1047.72 1538.65 1042.69 1536.31 1036.04 1536.31 1029.25 1536.31 1022.47 1538.65 1015.82 1543.18 1010.71 1547.48 1005.97 1553.4 1003.05 1559.82 1003.05Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.341"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​1536.31"​ y="​1048.85">​CA</​text><​path d="​M1655.5 1003.05C1658.05 1003.05 1660.61 1003.27 1663.09 1003.85 1665.57 1004.51 1667.98 1005.46 1670.24 1006.7L1669.15 1012.68C1667.25 1011.08 1665.13 1009.69 1662.72 1008.89 1660.39 1008.01 1657.98 1007.72 1655.5 1007.72 1650.75 1007.72 1646.45 1010.27 1643.45 1014 1640.09 1018.3 1638.49 1023.78 1638.49 1029.25 1638.49 1034.73 1640.09 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1232.7 1320.79 1237.01 1323.79 1240.73 1328.09 1243.28 1332.84 1243.28 1335.32 1243.28 1337.88 1243.21 1340.21 1242.41 1342.69 1241.68 1344.81 1240.29 1346.93 1238.83L1347.37 1243.87C1345.18 1245.18 1342.91 1246.5 1340.43 1247.15 1337.95 1247.88 1335.39 1247.96 1332.84 1247.96 1326.41 1247.96 1320.5 1245.04 1316.19 1240.29 1311.67 1235.25 1309.33 1228.61 1309.33 1221.82 1309.33 1215.03 1311.67 1208.39 1316.19 1203.28 1320.5 1198.53 1326.41 1195.61 1332.84 1195.61Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.3409"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​1257.3"​ y="​1241.41">​TCA</​text><​path d="​M1602.13 1394.92C1601.62 1397.62 1599.35 1403.83 1597.82 1408.13 1594.1 1418.57 1596.8 1410.91 1593.08 1421.35L1611.18 1421.35 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1937.14 1434.53 1939.62 1433.8 1941.74 1432.41 1943.86 1430.95L1944.29 1435.99C1942.1 1437.3 1939.84 1438.62 1937.36 1439.28 1934.88 1440.01 1932.32 1440.08 1929.77 1440.08 1923.34 1440.08 1917.43 1437.16 1913.12 1432.41 1908.6 1427.38 1906.26 1420.73 1906.26 1413.94 1906.26 1407.16 1908.6 1400.51 1913.12 1395.4 1917.43 1390.66 1923.34 1387.74 1929.77 1387.74Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.3409"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​1906.26"​ y="​1433.54">​C</​text><​path d="​M2339.5 1190C2339.5 1180.34 2347.34 1172.5 2357 1172.5L2512 1172.5C2521.66 1172.5 2529.5 1180.34 2529.5 1190L2529.5 1260C2529.5 1269.67 2521.66 1277.5 2512 1277.5L2357 1277.5C2347.34 1277.5 2339.5 1269.67 2339.5 1260Z" 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548.456 801.6ZM473.904 801.6C482.81 801.6 483.905 808.243 483.905 813.061L483.905 834.815 478.211 834.815 478.211 813.572C478.211 811.236 478.138 806.053 471.13 806.053 465.582 806.053 463.757 812.112 463.757 816.93L463.757 834.815 458.063 834.815 458.063 801.965 463.319 801.965 463.319 807.148C463.757 806.564 467.334 801.6 473.904 801.6ZM602.294 801.162C604.922 801.162 609.375 801.965 612.368 806.491 615.215 810.871 615.288 816.346 615.288 818.828L592.731 818.828C592.95 825.982 597.622 831.165 603.462 831.165 605.141 831.165 609.959 830.873 614.558 827.077L614.996 831.822C612.149 833.866 607.988 835.618 603.389 835.618 594.629 835.618 587.621 827.953 587.621 818.317 587.621 808.9 594.191 801.162 602.294 801.162ZM508.212 801.162C516.899 801.162 524.199 808.973 524.199 818.755 524.199 828.245 516.899 835.618 508.139 835.618 499.598 835.618 492.152 828.391 492.152 818.755 492.152 809.192 499.233 801.162 508.212 801.162ZM436.722 801.162C439.35 801.162 443.803 801.965 446.796 806.491 449.643 810.871 449.716 816.346 449.716 818.828L427.159 818.828C427.378 825.982 432.05 831.165 437.89 831.165 439.569 831.165 444.387 830.873 448.986 827.077L449.424 831.822C446.577 833.866 442.416 835.618 437.817 835.618 429.057 835.618 422.049 827.953 422.049 818.317 422.049 808.9 428.619 801.162 436.722 801.162ZM666.01 789.409C665.499 792.11 663.236 798.315 661.703 802.622 657.98 813.061 660.681 805.396 656.958 815.835L675.062 815.835 668.419 797.074C666.74 792.256 666.229 790.431 666.083 789.409ZM663.455 784.153 669.879 784.153 688.932 834.815 682.216 834.815 676.668 819.923 655.425 819.923 649.804 834.815 644.402 834.815ZM399.12 783.277C401.675 783.277 404.23 783.496 406.712 784.08 409.194 784.737 411.603 785.686 413.866 786.927L412.771 792.913C410.873 791.307 408.756 789.92 406.347 789.117 404.011 788.241 401.602 787.949 399.12 787.949 394.375 787.949 390.068 790.504 387.075 794.227 383.717 798.534 382.111 804.009 382.111 809.484 382.111 814.959 383.717 820.361 387.075 824.668 390.068 828.391 394.375 830.946 399.12 830.946 402.405 830.946 405.69 830.435 408.756 829.413L408.756 817.368 399.12 817.368 399.12 812.915 414.45 812.915 414.45 832.041C409.705 834.377 404.449 835.618 399.12 835.618 392.769 835.618 386.783 832.698 382.476 827.953 377.95 822.916 375.614 816.273 375.614 809.484 375.614 802.695 377.95 796.052 382.476 790.942 386.783 786.197 392.769 783.277 399.12 783.277Z"​ stroke="#​BA3F51"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​8B2F3D"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.341"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​375.614"​ y="​829.075">​Genome A</​text><​path d="​M638.51 864.433C637.999 867.134 635.736 873.339 634.203 877.646 630.48 888.085 633.181 880.42 629.458 890.859L647.562 890.859 640.919 872.098C639.24 867.28 638.729 865.455 638.583 864.433ZM394.448 864.433C393.937 867.134 391.674 873.339 390.141 877.646 386.418 888.085 389.119 880.42 385.396 890.859L403.5 890.859 396.857 872.098C395.178 867.28 394.667 865.455 394.521 864.433ZM520.663 859.615 565.047 859.615 565.047 864.36 555.265 864.36C554.389 864.36 553.513 864.287 552.637 864.287L546.14 864.287 546.14 909.839 539.643 909.839 539.643 864.287 533.073 864.287C532.197 864.287 531.321 864.36 530.445 864.36L520.663 864.36ZM422.122 859.615 466.506 859.615 466.506 864.36 456.724 864.36C455.848 864.36 454.972 864.287 454.096 864.287L447.599 864.287 447.599 909.839 441.102 909.839 441.102 864.287 434.532 864.287C433.656 864.287 432.78 864.36 431.904 864.36L422.122 864.36ZM635.955 859.177 642.379 859.177 661.432 909.839 654.716 909.839 649.168 894.947 627.925 894.947 622.304 909.839 616.902 909.839ZM391.893 859.177 398.317 859.177 417.37 909.839 410.654 909.839 405.106 894.947 383.863 894.947 378.242 909.839 372.84 909.839ZM596.203 858.301C598.539 858.301 600.875 858.447 603.138 858.885 605.474 859.323 607.737 860.053 609.927 860.929L608.905 866.915C607.007 865.601 604.963 864.506 602.773 863.849 600.656 863.192 598.393 862.973 596.203 862.973 591.458 862.973 587.151 865.528 584.158 869.251 580.8 873.558 579.194 879.033 579.194 884.508 579.194 889.983 580.8 895.385 584.158 899.692 587.151 903.415 591.458 905.97 596.203 905.97 598.685 905.97 601.24 905.897 603.576 905.094 606.058 904.364 608.175 902.977 610.292 901.517L610.73 906.554C608.54 907.868 606.277 909.182 603.795 909.839 601.313 910.569 598.758 910.642 596.203 910.642 589.779 910.642 583.866 907.722 579.559 902.977 575.033 897.94 572.697 891.297 572.697 884.508 572.697 877.719 575.033 871.076 579.559 865.966 583.866 861.221 589.779 858.301 596.203 858.301ZM497.661 858.301C500.216 858.301 502.771 858.52 505.253 859.104 507.735 859.761 510.144 860.71 512.407 861.951L511.312 867.937C509.414 866.331 507.297 864.944 504.888 864.141 502.552 863.265 500.143 862.973 497.661 862.973 492.916 862.973 488.609 865.528 485.616 869.251 482.258 873.558 480.652 879.033 480.652 884.508 480.652 889.983 482.258 895.385 485.616 899.692 488.609 903.415 492.916 905.97 497.661 905.97 500.946 905.97 504.231 905.459 507.297 904.437L507.297 892.392 497.661 892.392 497.661 887.939 512.991 887.939 512.991 907.065C508.246 909.401 502.99 910.642 497.661 910.642 491.31 910.642 485.324 907.722 481.017 902.977 476.491 897.94 474.155 891.297 474.155 884.508 474.155 877.719 476.491 871.076 481.017 865.966 485.324 861.221 491.31 858.301 497.661 858.301Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.341"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​372.84"​ y="​904.1">​ATGTCA</​text><​path d="​M691.88 858.301C694.435 858.301 696.99 858.52 699.472 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font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.341"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​668.374"​ y="​904.1">​G</​text><​path d="​M832.729 864.433C832.218 867.134 829.955 873.339 828.422 877.646 824.699 888.085 827.4 880.42 823.677 890.859L841.781 890.859 835.138 872.098C833.459 867.28 832.948 865.455 832.802 864.433ZM761.861 859.615 806.245 859.615 806.245 864.36 796.463 864.36C795.587 864.36 794.711 864.287 793.835 864.287L787.338 864.287 787.338 909.839 780.841 909.839 780.841 864.287 774.271 864.287C773.395 864.287 772.519 864.36 771.643 864.36L761.861 864.36ZM830.174 859.177 836.598 859.177 855.651 909.839 848.935 909.839 843.387 894.947 822.144 894.947 816.523 909.839 811.121 909.839ZM740.578 858.301C742.914 858.301 745.25 858.447 747.513 858.885 749.849 859.323 752.112 860.053 754.302 860.929L753.28 866.915C751.382 865.601 749.338 864.506 747.148 863.849 745.031 863.192 742.768 862.973 740.578 862.973 735.833 862.973 731.526 865.528 728.533 869.251 725.175 873.558 723.569 879.033 723.569 884.508 723.569 889.983 725.175 895.385 728.533 899.692 731.526 903.415 735.833 905.97 740.578 905.97 743.06 905.97 745.615 905.897 747.951 905.094 750.433 904.364 752.55 902.977 754.667 901.517L755.105 906.554C752.915 907.868 750.652 909.182 748.17 909.839 745.688 910.569 743.133 910.642 740.578 910.642 734.154 910.642 728.241 907.722 723.934 902.977 719.408 897.94 717.072 891.297 717.072 884.508 717.072 877.719 719.408 871.076 723.934 865.966 728.241 861.221 734.154 858.301 740.578 858.301Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.341"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​717.072"​ y="​904.1">​CTA</​text><​path d="​M2419.12 849.149C2415.99 849.295 2404.16 849.806 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863.311 2227.28 863.311ZM2189.47 830.899 2195.16 830.899 2195.16 855.062C2195.16 858.201 2195.67 860.099 2200.86 860.099 2205.53 860.099 2209.62 857.544 2209.62 852.069L2209.62 830.899 2215.31 830.899 2215.31 863.311 2209.83 863.311 2209.83 859.807C2206.26 862.946 2201.07 864.114 2197.21 864.114 2191.15 864.114 2189.47 860.61 2189.47 855.354ZM2453.92 830.096C2460.92 830.096 2465.52 838.272 2465.52 847.032 2465.52 856.96 2459.1 864.114 2452.02 864.114 2447.64 864.114 2444.43 862.07 2442.16 859.953L2442.16 877.473 2436.47 877.473 2436.47 830.899 2441.94 830.899 2441.94 834.476C2445.3 831.629 2449.54 830.096 2453.92 830.096ZM2393.62 830.096 2393.62 834.987C2386.47 835.133 2381.21 840.389 2381.21 847.689L2381.21 863.311 2375.74 863.311 2375.74 830.461 2380.85 830.461 2380.85 837.104C2383.11 833.746 2387.13 830.169 2393.62 830.096ZM2280.36 830.096C2289.27 830.096 2290.36 836.739 2290.36 841.557L2290.36 863.311 2284.67 863.311 2284.67 842.068C2284.67 839.732 2284.59 834.549 2277.59 834.549 2272.04 834.549 2270.21 840.608 2270.21 845.426L2270.21 863.311 2264.52 863.311 2264.52 830.461 2269.78 830.461 2269.78 835.644C2270.21 835.06 2273.79 830.096 2280.36 830.096ZM2182.22 830.096 2182.22 834.987C2175.06 835.133 2169.81 840.389 2169.81 847.689L2169.81 863.311 2164.33 863.311 2164.33 830.461 2169.44 830.461 2169.44 837.104C2171.71 833.746 2175.72 830.169 2182.22 830.096ZM2412.77 829.658C2419.49 829.658 2424.82 834.768 2424.82 842.214L2424.82 863.311 2419.34 863.311 2419.34 860.683C2415.11 863.968 2408.25 864.114 2407.23 864.114 2400.87 864.114 2398.9 858.201 2398.9 855.062 2398.9 848.638 2408.17 845.572 2419.12 845.426L2419.12 842.287C2419.12 836.885 2416.2 833.965 2412.77 833.965 2409.2 833.965 2405.55 834.914 2401.75 837.615L2401.31 832.797C2404.74 830.826 2408.03 829.658 2412.77 829.658ZM2069.58 829.658C2072.21 829.658 2076.67 830.461 2079.66 834.987 2082.51 839.367 2082.58 844.842 2082.58 847.324L2060.02 847.324C2060.24 854.478 2064.91 859.661 2070.75 859.661 2072.43 859.661 2077.25 859.369 2081.85 855.573L2082.29 860.318C2079.44 862.362 2075.28 864.114 2070.68 864.114 2061.92 864.114 2054.91 856.449 2054.91 846.813 2054.91 837.396 2061.48 829.658 2069.58 829.658ZM2122.79 816.737 2122.79 834.768 2131.26 834.768C2141.33 834.768 2146.51 829.804 2146.51 825.424 2146.51 820.606 2140.09 816.737 2131.99 816.737ZM2012.93 816.737 2012.93 859.223 2024.1 859.223C2034.32 859.223 2041.92 850.828 2041.92 838.418 2041.92 825.57 2034.32 816.737 2024.1 816.737ZM2246.06 815.496 2252.56 815.496 2252.56 821.993 2246.06 821.993ZM2226.84 815.496 2233.34 815.496 2233.34 821.993 2226.84 821.993ZM2474.21 812.649 2479.68 812.649 2479.68 835.352C2482.02 832.359 2485.52 830.096 2490.05 830.096 2498.95 830.096 2500.05 836.739 2500.05 841.557L2500.05 863.311 2494.36 863.311 2494.36 842.068C2494.36 839.732 2494.28 834.549 2487.27 834.549 2481.73 834.549 2479.9 840.608 2479.9 845.426L2479.9 863.311 2474.21 863.311ZM2116.73 812.649 2134.03 812.649C2144.4 812.649 2152.21 818.635 2152.21 825.351 2152.21 830.899 2146.73 835.133 2140.09 836.812 2147.83 838.053 2154.18 843.236 2154.18 849.587 2154.18 856.741 2146.51 863.311 2136 863.311L2116.73 863.311ZM2006.66 812.649 2025.78 812.649C2038.34 812.649 2048.19 824.256 2048.19 838.418 2048.19 852.215 2038.27 863.311 2025.86 863.311L2006.66 863.311ZM2349.38 811.773C2351.93 811.773 2354.49 811.992 2356.97 812.576 2359.45 813.233 2361.86 814.182 2364.12 815.423L2363.03 821.409C2361.13 819.803 2359.01 818.416 2356.61 817.613 2354.27 816.737 2351.86 816.445 2349.38 816.445 2344.63 816.445 2340.33 819 2337.33 822.723 2333.98 827.03 2332.37 832.505 2332.37 837.98 2332.37 843.455 2333.98 848.857 2337.33 853.164 2340.33 856.887 2344.63 859.442 2349.38 859.442 2352.66 859.442 2355.95 858.931 2359.01 857.909L2359.01 845.864 2349.38 845.864 2349.38 841.411 2364.71 841.411 2364.71 860.537C2359.96 862.873 2354.71 864.114 2349.38 864.114 2343.03 864.114 2337.04 861.194 2332.73 856.449 2328.21 851.412 2325.87 844.769 2325.87 837.98 2325.87 831.191 2328.21 824.548 2332.73 819.438 2337.04 814.693 2343.03 811.773 2349.38 811.773Z"​ stroke="#​7F7F7F"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​595959"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​66.5031"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​2006.66"​ y="​869.963">​De Bruijn Graph</​text><​path d="​M655.498 998.775 655.498 1018.78 666.667 1018.78C674.551 1018.78 680.975 1014.54 680.975 1009.07 680.975 1003.23 673.821 998.775 666.083 998.775ZM602.294 993.665C598.133 993.665 594.264 997.315 593.096 1002.86L611.127 1002.86C610.178 996.147 606.09 993.665 602.294 993.665ZM508.139 993.665C503.394 993.665 497.846 997.242 497.846 1006.08 497.846 1014.91 503.102 1019 508.139 1019 513.541 1019 518.505 1014.69 518.505 1006.08 518.505 997.461 513.249 993.665 508.139 993.665ZM436.721 993.665C432.56 993.665 428.691 997.315 427.523 1002.86L445.554 1002.86C444.605 996.147 440.517 993.665 436.721 993.665ZM548.456 989.65C550.792 989.65 555.902 990.088 557.8 995.636 560.501 991.694 564.297 989.65 568.677 989.65 577.51 989.65 578.678 996.22 578.678 1001.11L578.678 1022.87 572.984 1022.87 572.984 1001.62C572.984 998.848 572.619 994.103 565.83 994.103 560.428 994.103 558.457 1000.02 558.457 1004.98L558.457 1022.87 552.763 1022.87 552.763 1001.62C552.763 998.848 552.398 994.103 545.609 994.103 540.207 994.103 538.236 1000.02 538.236 1004.98L538.236 1022.87 532.542 1022.87 532.542 990.015 537.798 990.015 537.798 995.271C539.769 992.643 543.2 989.65 548.456 989.65ZM473.903 989.65C482.809 989.65 483.904 996.293 483.904 1001.11L483.904 1022.87 478.21 1022.87 478.21 1001.62C478.21 999.286 478.137 994.103 471.129 994.103 465.581 994.103 463.756 1000.16 463.756 1004.98L463.756 1022.87 458.062 1022.87 458.062 990.015 463.318 990.015 463.318 995.198C463.756 994.614 467.333 989.65 473.903 989.65ZM602.294 989.212C604.922 989.212 609.375 990.015 612.368 994.541 615.215 998.921 615.288 1004.4 615.288 1006.88L592.731 1006.88C592.95 1014.03 597.622 1019.22 603.462 1019.22 605.141 1019.22 609.959 1018.92 614.558 1015.13L614.996 1019.87C612.149 1021.92 607.988 1023.67 603.389 1023.67 594.629 1023.67 587.621 1016 587.621 1006.37 587.621 996.95 594.191 989.212 602.294 989.212ZM508.212 989.212C516.899 989.212 524.199 997.023 524.199 1006.81 524.199 1016.3 516.899 1023.67 508.139 1023.67 499.598 1023.67 492.152 1016.44 492.152 1006.81 492.152 997.242 499.233 989.212 508.212 989.212ZM436.721 989.212C439.349 989.212 443.802 990.015 446.795 994.541 449.642 998.921 449.715 1004.4 449.715 1006.88L427.158 1006.88C427.377 1014.03 432.049 1019.22 437.889 1019.22 439.568 1019.22 444.386 1018.92 448.985 1015.13L449.423 1019.87C446.576 1021.92 442.415 1023.67 437.816 1023.67 429.056 1023.67 422.048 1016 422.048 1006.37 422.048 996.95 428.618 989.212 436.721 989.212ZM655.498 976.291 655.498 994.322 663.966 994.322C674.04 994.322 679.223 989.358 679.223 984.978 679.223 980.16 672.799 976.291 664.696 976.291ZM649.439 972.203 666.74 972.203C677.106 972.203 684.917 978.189 684.917 984.905 684.917 990.453 679.442 994.687 672.799 996.366 680.537 997.607 686.888 1002.79 686.888 1009.14 686.888 1016.3 679.223 1022.87 668.711 1022.87L649.439 1022.87ZM399.119 971.327C401.674 971.327 404.229 971.546 406.711 972.13 409.193 972.787 411.602 973.736 413.865 974.977L412.77 980.963C410.872 979.357 408.755 977.97 406.346 977.167 404.01 976.291 401.601 975.999 399.119 975.999 394.374 975.999 390.067 978.554 387.074 982.277 383.716 986.584 382.11 992.059 382.11 997.534 382.11 1003.01 383.716 1008.41 387.074 1012.72 390.067 1016.44 394.374 1019 399.119 1019 402.404 1019 405.689 1018.49 408.755 1017.46L408.755 1005.42 399.119 1005.42 399.119 1000.97 414.449 1000.97 414.449 1020.09C409.704 1022.43 404.448 1023.67 399.119 1023.67 392.768 1023.67 386.782 1020.75 382.475 1016 377.949 1010.97 375.613 1004.32 375.613 997.534 375.613 990.745 377.949 984.102 382.475 978.992 386.782 974.247 392.768 971.327 399.119 971.327Z"​ stroke="#​D78D38"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​A96A22"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.341"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​375.613"​ y="​1017.13">​Genome B</​text><​path d="​M638.51 1052.48C637.999 1055.19 635.736 1061.39 634.203 1065.7 630.48 1076.14 633.181 1068.47 629.458 1078.91L647.562 1078.91 640.919 1060.15C639.24 1055.33 638.729 1053.51 638.583 1052.48ZM394.447 1052.48C393.936 1055.19 391.673 1061.39 390.14 1065.7 386.417 1076.14 389.118 1068.47 385.395 1078.91L403.499 1078.91 396.856 1060.15C395.177 1055.33 394.666 1053.51 394.52 1052.48ZM520.663 1047.67 565.047 1047.67 565.047 1052.41 555.265 1052.41C554.389 1052.41 553.513 1052.34 552.637 1052.34L546.14 1052.34 546.14 1097.89 539.643 1097.89 539.643 1052.34 533.073 1052.34C532.197 1052.34 531.321 1052.41 530.445 1052.41L520.663 1052.41ZM422.121 1047.67 466.505 1047.67 466.505 1052.41 456.723 1052.41C455.847 1052.41 454.971 1052.34 454.095 1052.34L447.598 1052.34 447.598 1097.89 441.101 1097.89 441.101 1052.34 434.531 1052.34C433.655 1052.34 432.779 1052.41 431.903 1052.41L422.121 1052.41ZM635.955 1047.23 642.379 1047.23 661.432 1097.89 654.716 1097.89 649.168 1083 627.925 1083 622.304 1097.89 616.902 1097.89ZM391.892 1047.23 398.316 1047.23 417.369 1097.89 410.653 1097.89 405.105 1083 383.862 1083 378.241 1097.89 372.839 1097.89ZM596.203 1046.35C598.539 1046.35 600.875 1046.5 603.138 1046.94 605.474 1047.37 607.737 1048.1 609.927 1048.98L608.905 1054.97C607.007 1053.65 604.963 1052.56 602.773 1051.9 600.656 1051.24 598.393 1051.02 596.203 1051.02 591.458 1051.02 587.151 1053.58 584.158 1057.3 580.8 1061.61 579.194 1067.08 579.194 1072.56 579.194 1078.03 580.8 1083.44 584.158 1087.74 587.151 1091.47 591.458 1094.02 596.203 1094.02 598.685 1094.02 601.24 1093.95 603.576 1093.15 606.058 1092.42 608.175 1091.03 610.292 1089.57L610.73 1094.6C608.54 1095.92 606.277 1097.23 603.795 1097.89 601.313 1098.62 598.758 1098.69 596.203 1098.69 589.779 1098.69 583.866 1095.77 579.559 1091.03 575.033 1085.99 572.697 1079.35 572.697 1072.56 572.697 1065.77 575.033 1059.13 579.559 1054.02 583.866 1049.27 589.779 1046.35 596.203 1046.35ZM497.661 1046.35C500.216 1046.35 502.771 1046.57 505.253 1047.16 507.735 1047.81 510.144 1048.76 512.407 1050L511.312 1055.99C509.414 1054.38 507.297 1052.99 504.888 1052.19 502.552 1051.32 500.143 1051.02 497.661 1051.02 492.916 1051.02 488.609 1053.58 485.616 1057.3 482.258 1061.61 480.652 1067.08 480.652 1072.56 480.652 1078.03 482.258 1083.44 485.616 1087.74 488.609 1091.47 492.916 1094.02 497.661 1094.02 500.946 1094.02 504.231 1093.51 507.297 1092.49L507.297 1080.44 497.661 1080.44 497.661 1075.99 512.991 1075.99 512.991 1095.12C508.246 1097.45 502.99 1098.69 497.661 1098.69 491.31 1098.69 485.324 1095.77 481.017 1091.03 476.491 1085.99 474.155 1079.35 474.155 1072.56 474.155 1065.77 476.491 1059.13 481.017 1054.02 485.324 1049.27 491.31 1046.35 497.661 1046.35Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.3409"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​372.839"​ y="​1092.15">​ATGTCA</​text><​path d="​M691.88 1046.35C694.216 1046.35 696.552 1046.5 698.815 1046.94 701.151 1047.37 703.414 1048.1 705.604 1048.98L704.582 1054.97C702.684 1053.65 700.64 1052.56 698.45 1051.9 696.333 1051.24 694.07 1051.02 691.88 1051.02 687.135 1051.02 682.828 1053.58 679.835 1057.3 676.477 1061.61 674.871 1067.08 674.871 1072.56 674.871 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748.933 1097.23 746.451 1097.89 743.969 1098.62 741.414 1098.69 738.859 1098.69 732.435 1098.69 726.522 1095.77 722.215 1091.03 717.689 1085.99 715.353 1079.35 715.353 1072.56 715.353 1065.77 717.689 1059.13 722.215 1054.02 726.522 1049.27 732.435 1046.35 738.859 1046.35Z"​ stroke="#​404040"​ stroke-width="​2"​ stroke-linecap="​butt"​ stroke-linejoin="​round"​ stroke-miterlimit="​10"​ stroke-opacity="​1"​ fill="#​262626"​ fill-rule="​evenodd"​ fill-opacity="​1"/><​text fill="#​000000"​ fill-opacity="​0"​ font-family="​Arial,​Arial_MSFontService,​sans-serif"​ font-size="​52.3409"​ direction="​ltr"​ writing-mode="​lr-tb"​ x="​715.353"​ y="​1092.15">​CTA</​text><​path d="​M1956.15 834.859C1951.84 834.859 1945.57 837.852 1945.57 847.488 1945.57 856.54 1950.9 859.971 1955.42 859.971 1957.32 859.971 1959.14 859.387 1960.82 857.927 1963.16 855.81 1963.23 854.496 1963.23 853.474L1963.23 838.874C1961.63 836.538 1959.44 834.859 1956.15 834.859ZM1921.82 834.421C1917.65 834.421 1913.79 838.071 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864.424 1907.14 856.759 1907.14 847.123 1907.14 837.706 1913.71 829.968 1921.82 829.968ZM1860.96 829.968C1869.65 829.968 1876.95 837.779 1876.95 847.561 1876.95 857.051 1869.65 864.424 1860.89 864.424 1852.35 864.424 1844.9 857.197 1844.9 847.561 1844.9 837.998 1851.98 829.968 1860.96 829.968ZM1806.54 829.968C1815.22 829.968 1822.52 837.779 1822.52 847.561 1822.52 857.051 1815.22 864.424 1806.46 864.424 1797.92 864.424 1790.48 857.197 1790.48 847.561 1790.48 837.998 1797.56 829.968 1806.54 829.968ZM1774.32 829.968C1778.77 829.968 1781.25 830.625 1785.56 833.107L1784.68 837.852C1780.67 835.224 1778.19 834.64 1774.39 834.64 1766.65 834.64 1763.95 841.648 1763.95 847.342 1763.95 854.496 1768.04 859.752 1774.1 859.752 1777.82 859.752 1781.76 858.73 1785.49 855.81L1785.92 860.701C1781.98 863.402 1777.97 864.424 1774.03 864.424 1764.9 864.424 1758.26 856.467 1758.26 847.415 1758.26 838.801 1764.17 829.968 1774.32 829.968ZM1963.45 812.959 1968.93 812.959 1968.93 863.621 1963.23 863.621 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 +=== Panacus ===
 +Pangenomics aims to capture the collective genomic diversity of taxonomically
 +related genomes, typically from the same species, offering potential insights
 +for medicine and biology. Initially defined as collections of genes, pangenomes
 +are now more accurately represented through variation graphs. These graphs
 +illustrate genomes by using nodes to depict shared sequences, edges to denote
 +sequential connections,​ and paths to reconstruct the original genomes. Despite
 +their benefits, there is a lack of scalable software for essential analyses,
 +such as estimating the core genome size and evaluating the extent of genomic
 +variability (pangenome growth). To address this need, we developed [[https://​github.com/​marschall-lab/​panacus/​tree/​main|Panacus]]
 +(pangenome-abacus),​ a tool designed for efficient data extraction from GFA
 +files, the standard for pangenome graphs. Panacus facilitates quick generation
 +of pangenome growth and core curves, handling millions of nodes in variation
 +graphs within minutes.
 +=== MicroGenUniBi and NFDIs ===
 +Under the acronym "​MicroGenUniBi"​ (de.NBI-Resource Center for Microbial Genome Research in Biotechnology and Medicine at Bielefeld University),​ we provide services as partner of the [[https://​www.denbi.de/​network|de.NBI network]]. MicroGenUniBi ensures the operation of the de.NBI cloud site at Bielefeld University which involves the installation and maintenance of hardware components, the configuration of software and the (re)certification of the cloud infrastructure.
 +Furthermore,​ MicroGenUniBi provides services in microbial bioinformatics and offers training courses introducing to the usage of these services on a regular basis. Currently, provided services cover areas of pangenomics,​ metagenomics and multiomics analyses. In particular, the area of pangenomics is represented by the services [[https://​github.com/​tischulz1/​plast|PLAST]] for pangenome alignment, [[https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​corer|Corer]] for the prediction of a pangenome’s core genome and [[https://​gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/​gi/​sans|SANS]] for phylogenetic analyses (see also above). The programs [[https://​qupe.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​QuPE/​|QuPE]],​ [[https://​meltdb.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​cgi-bin/​login.cgi|MeltDB]] and [[https://​fusion.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​Fusion/​login|Fusion]] cover the area of multiomics analyses. In addition, MicroGenUniBi provides various software solutions, e.g. for the computation of alignments, the comparison of genomes and RNA structure prediction which are collectively available from the platform [[https://​bibiserv.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de|BiBiServ]]. Moreover, the web-based software [[https://​biigle.de|BIIGLE]] for collaborative image and video annotation is offered, specifically for research in biodiversity.
 +We are also involved in the [[https://​www.nfdi.de|National Research Data Infrastructure Germany (NFDI)]] initiative. In particular, we contribute to [[https://​www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/​en/​|NFDI4Biodiversity]] and [[https://​nfdi4microbiota.de|NFDI4Microbiota]].
 +<WRAP left>​{{research:​denbi_logo.png?​300,​nolink}}</​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP left>​{{research:​nfdibiodiv.png?​300,​nolink}}</​WRAP><​WRAP left>​{{research:​nfdimicrobio.png?​150,​nolink}}</​WRAP>​