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teaching:2017summer:algbioinf [2020/02/14 09:07] (current)
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 +**Algorithms in Bioinformatics (2S)**
 +Frequency: Weekly, Tuesdays, 16-18 Hours
 +Place: U10-146
 +Period: 18.04.2017-28.07.2017 ​
 +In this seminar, participants will read and present (20-45 minutes)
 +research articles on algorithms in bioinformatics.
 +We will be focusing on articles on Comparative Genomics, ​
 +but suggestions of other topics are welcome.
 +In addition, before the end of the semester a written ​
 +summary (5-10 pages) must be submitted.
 +**Skills to learn:**
 +  * Understanding an algorithmic paper
 +  * Presenting
 +  * Scientific writing ​
 +  * Algorithms and Data Structures.
 +^ Day      ^ Month       ^ Description ​         ^
 +|18|April|Introduction to the seminar & Topic introduction|
 +|25|April|How not to do a presentation & Topic selection|
 +|2|May|How to write the summary and Latex tutorial|
 +|9|May|Optional:​ Questions and help|
 +|23 - 26|May|Revision of next week's presentations*|
 +|30|May|Presentations by **Michel**|
 +|30 - 2|May - June|Revision of next week's presentations*|
 +|6 - 9|June|Revision of next week's presentation*|
 +|13|June|Presentations by **Phillip** and **Paulina**|
 +|14 - 16|June|Revision of next week's presentation*|
 +|20|June|Presentation by **Animesh**|
 +**Document to deliver at the end of the semester**
 +^ Files     ​^ ​
 +|[[https://​gi.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​_media/​teaching/​2017summer/​writingtaskforseminar.pdf|Document content specifications]]|
 +|[[https://​gi.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/​_media/​teaching/​2017summer/​latexexamples.zip|Latex examples]]|
 +*Schedule an appointment with me (Omar), preferably on the day assigned for the seminar.