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teaching:2017summer:algimpl [2017/06/06 16:22]
teaching:2017summer:algimpl [2020/02/14 09:07] (current)
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 +====== Implementation of Algorithms (1Ü) ======
 +| 392231 | Stoye, Sundermann, Wittler, Schulz | Summer 2017 | Class hours by appointment | [[https://​ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/​kvv_publ/​publ/​vd?​id=90842556|ekvv]] |
 +== Final presentation:​ ==
 +Fr. 14.07.2017 10:00 sharp, room: U10-116
 +== Procedure: ==
 +Each participant implements a (simple) algorithm in a programming language of their own choice. Topics will be distributed individually:​ meet or send email to one of the organizers. The focus of the implementation shall be on code readability and optimal asymptotics,​ which ideally is verified by systematic testing.
 +The source code and some test data (where applicable) has to be sent to the organisers one week before the final presentation. During the final presentation,​ every participant runs and explains her/his software in front of everybody. If the result is not satisfactory,​ a correction can be provided until the end of the semester.
 +== Distributed topics: ==
 +| **Topic** | **Name** | **Supervised by**|
 +| Waterman-Eggert algorithm | Michel Theodor Henrichs | Tizian Schulz |
 +| shortest path algorithms | Paulina Gralak | Linda Sundermann |
 +| ??? | Moritz ??? | Roland Wittler |
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