Bioinformatics Journal Club (2S)

392172 Stoye Summer 2017 Monday 16:00-17:30 in U10-155 ekvv


In this seminar we read and discuss current research articles from different fields in bioinformatics. Each week, one of the participants brings a (short) paper that we read in class together and discuss it paragraph by paragraph, regarding both content and form.

The topics of presented papers should be related to bioinformatics, biology, or computer science.


Date Paper Name
24.04.2017 (DiDy workshop)
01.05.2017 (holiday)
08.05.2017 (Jens in hospital)
15.05.2017 Organization of the journal club Jens Stoye
22.05.2017 Paper selection everybody
29.05.2017 David Sankoff: Short inversions and conserved gene clusters, Bioinformatics 18 (10): 1305-1308, 2001 Jens Stoye
05.06.2017 (holiday)
12.06.2017 (Jens in Dagstuhl)
19.06.2017 Walter Fitch: Homology - a personal view on some of the problems, Trends in Genetics 16 (5): 227-231, 2000 Roland Wittler
26.06.2017 (postponed)
03.07.2017 (Jens in hospital)
10.07.2017 (AGGI day)
17.07.2017 (Jens unavailable)
24.07.2017 (nobody appeared)
31.07.2017 Quentin D. Atkinson, Russell D. Gray: Curious Parallels and Curious Connections—Phylogenetic Thinking in Biology and Historical Linguistics, Systematic Biology 54 (4): 513-526, 2005 Omar Castillo
21.08.2017 Joseph Kaplinsky, Ramy Arnaout: Robust estimates of overall immune-repertoire diversity from high-throughput measurements on samples, Nat. Comm. 7: 11881, 2016 Olga Zolotareva

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