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teaching:2020summer:algimpl [2020/06/09 16:34]
jstoye [Distributed topics:]
teaching:2020summer:algimpl [2020/07/06 16:01] (current)
jstoye [Distributed topics:]
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 ==== Final presentation:​ ==== ==== Final presentation:​ ====
-Monday, 2020 July 13, at 14h c.t. in U10-146+Monday, 2020 July 13, at 14h c.t. online. (Zoom link will be provided to participants short before the date.)
 ==== Distributed topics: ==== ==== Distributed topics: ====
 ^ **Topic** ^ **Name** ^ ^ **Topic** ^ **Name** ^
-| Fitch-Algorithmus | Marvin H | +| Fitch-Algorithmus ​für Small Parsimony| Marvin H | 
 +| Center-Star-Approximation für Sum-of-Pairs-Alignment | Duygu E | 
 +| Sellers'​ Algorithmus (unter Verwendung von SIMD-Befehlen) | Leonard B | 
 +| Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation (mit linearem Speicher) | Fabian H | 
 +| Nussinov-Algorithmus | Nina H |