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teaching:2020summer:compan [2020/04/22 11:20]
tischulz [Topics] Distributed topics
teaching:2020summer:compan [2020/05/27 12:07]
tischulz Added slides for topic tables-figures-algorithms
Line 16: Line 16:
 | 22.04. ​ | Preliminaries,​ topic selection |   | | 22.04. ​ | Preliminaries,​ topic selection |   |
-| 29.04. ​ | Intro to LaTeX, reading |      +| 29.04. ​ | Intro to LaTeX, reading | {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​template.tar | latex sources }}, {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​reading.pdf | Slides: HowToRead ​ }} 
-| 06.05. ​ | Scientific writing |   ​+| 06.05. ​ | Scientific writing | {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​scientificwriting.pdf | Slides: ScientificWriting }}, [[ https://​de.sharelatex.com/​learn/​bibtex_bibliography_styles | Bibliography Styles ]] 
-| 13.05. ​ | Introductions,​ conclusions |                                        +| 13.05. ​ | Introductions,​ conclusions | {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​introsconclusions.pdf | Slides: IntroductionConclusions }} 
-| 20.05. ​ | Math |                     ​+| 20.05. ​ | Math | {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​math_template.tar | latex sources }},  {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​math.pdf | Slides: Math }}        ​
-| 27.05. ​ | Tables, figures, algorithms |                                                                                                                                                       ​|+| 27.05. ​ | Tables, figures, algorithms | {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​algo_template.tar | latex sources }},  {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​tablesFiguresAlgos.pdf | Slides: TablesFiguresAlgorithms }} |
 | 03.06. ​ | Checklist, writing |                                                  | | 03.06. ​ | Checklist, writing |                                                  |
 | 10.06. ​ | Intro to presentations (in LaTeX Beamer) |                                                                                                                    | | 10.06. ​ | Intro to presentations (in LaTeX Beamer) |                                                                                                                    |
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 ^ Slot  ^ Student ​ ^ Paper                                                                                                                         ^ ^ Slot  ^ Student ​ ^ Paper                                                                                                                         ^
-    |   | [[ https://​watermark.silverchair.com/​bbw089.pdf?​token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAmkwggJlBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggJWMIICUgIBADCCAksGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMZGJ4Sz-sg9kIaVEyAgEQgIICHMkoibfrcZ3sD66-CDQolNZcEHVhrur0KAluNvo-s8T8Z9Do_YhXSPgYRN-AgRdWWN1tbyOBJ8hUoh8CwXJbKzg7irXbJtI8oInBgaHVScIwN2Ln2TgtmLkdEFU9SYdek6mNI-x7S7fd6bDzQXFqSl1SjHJvatvmy9QtPTcMDKQCuB7eVJNKemAgrIXSKMaNFQcx9BDZDGY1Xnb0O4zawf5UamzRY02xeCzJV2o56TNebfpu87Ou2xSXgil9QjQsjxsV60Uj3LdgC6km6Ml2cOq7SCL3ufewR84nAAPdpEFwQXmqGg23p_8D0pEHIEXZlzVwIW49JRyU_Sm83f5785FCZAhxILCmPJdrTptu3CZRI3TpUfEOVB00TospZhzlF4mf_C8XtXI1QB8zqNdiUzH-93GbX0rf8I_O6aKCrZEvsv5ohvyIlb3KS5PFFAyxxue4JMh8Lmslq6jl95KHvGWGt1lRuEWzJkZaHEGuI8tcPib1pcliwlBrLK4o34uiytqVVo6Ir2fw88rZVALKQk3GFh8T0Bc8DmxzFYzMXwgHTu4k7wTmouMGGT5cugM96donLJg4y336yUgQjD4tnjrQ-4UJL88cZ-Vu1nKdE_bkP3M4nFPk3mzcTfhLJtMuia2ZJdyM66yq5U0f4lvv2AGSwcHmo0yriED-FQRyzvAh94xnE8P6KNqWZVN8yGLXYkF5nQKGnag9gf4cwA ​| Computational pan-genomics:​ status, promises and challenges ​]] |+ ​2 ​  | Tizian ​ | {{ :​teaching:​2020summer:​compan:​bbw089.pdf ​ | Computational pan-genomics:​ status, promises and challenges ​}} |
 |   ​| ​ | [[ https://​almob.biomedcentral.com/​track/​pdf/​10.1186/​s13015-016-0066-8 | Bloom Filter Trie: an alignment-free and reference-free data structure for pan-genome storage ]] | |   ​| ​ | [[ https://​almob.biomedcentral.com/​track/​pdf/​10.1186/​s13015-016-0066-8 | Bloom Filter Trie: an alignment-free and reference-free data structure for pan-genome storage ]] |
-  ​| Yannick ​ | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​695338v2.full.pdf | Bifrost - Highly parallel construction and indexing of colored and compacted de Bruijn graphs ]] | + ​3  ​| Yannick ​ | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​695338v2.full.pdf | Bifrost - Highly parallel construction and indexing of colored and compacted de Bruijn graphs ]] | 
-  ​| Marvin ​ | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​234856v1.full.pdf | Sequence variation aware genome references and read mapping with the variation graph toolkit ]] | + ​3  ​| Marvin ​ | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​234856v1.full.pdf | Sequence variation aware genome references and read mapping with the variation graph toolkit ]] | 
-  ​| Fabian ​ | [[ https://​www.liebertpub.com/​doi/​pdfplus/​10.1089/​cmb.2019.0309 | Efficient Construction of a Complete Index for Pan-Genomics Read Alignment ]] | + ​4  ​| Fabian ​ | [[ https://​www.liebertpub.com/​doi/​pdfplus/​10.1089/​cmb.2019.0309 | Efficient Construction of a Complete Index for Pan-Genomics Read Alignment ]] | 
-  ​  ​| [[ https://watermark.silverchair.com/btz162.pdf?​token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAApUwggKRBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKCMIICfgIBADCCAncGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMUPzoUo8feAPYcgwcAgEQgIICSM15_mSi3xEtbS7iYr7bUrDXEPAomor_yjOC2VIhuotTlEm0XJ46-YnneDqhz9_ZCdd1QFRAvzVhhr1jko0wfO8TV5K61ChH9n2IazdHRDJy3_MUc0fF5MKie_31bDMJXGXqKICZVHPRL8LT9clnG6qpRigT8baX2lDL8MyfACQyulTgIA1pb8nBQzKCBGRPBbrpcRNYtxX1qbFFj60-vBDDYNlgoJHLZzznUbYfS06Lv0qgmZuuzTh2BfEzwzQLpFJJRowP0RBwTvz9sq-95vK34h8I2VEbpiEh9NkpLcBTXfXe8VInUMkQXOPDDHvDLqnFLM8-XTS1wrwTocFCUQ6x1eAw9gLpkQjUB5wEMcJf4BwMvuNWMnuQbfw4-WFnGLdQa4v46GXs-5LRDV891fN3o7qVKMI_rGfuQPgrJq2ak5EqF_4wfmzzYZ5FXUWXP48vQlaATxGGuEtkRn5P-bniheIUOKA4hZE9sto9M8ziF7BE15VeS3uhyH4Ie-gkexL9_IOdkcgndTjfhi3YFDxUN9ozDXIQ81beyrkD4ZPAe6exnDTkVcSk5aqY1sRljg8giVKCDIC0fKcZIYGtEGYYme8LkSmHclMVWrAkJNUjirDtJ66C6hCxAX4CJpspjsYAIgNkkGtzmK-dtC6DRakoMhbFw6gfuqweUjjvplbFXP2Lrh8pTuvG74K3J_efU09B5hEbO_llWd6EQsMcm_Olok0RF06XIfTGvbcGGPqQPgbVYACyDa7A9SfcCSaS34aSgurtqZD2 ​| Bit-parallel sequence-to-graph alignment ]] |+ ​5  ​Leonard  ​| [[ https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/​article/​35/​19/​3599/​5372677 ​| Bit-parallel sequence-to-graph alignment ]] |
 |   ​| ​  | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​2020.01.21.914168v1.full.pdf | BlastFrost: Fast querying of 100,000s of bacterial genomes in Bifrost graphs ]] | |   ​| ​  | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​2020.01.21.914168v1.full.pdf | BlastFrost: Fast querying of 100,000s of bacterial genomes in Bifrost graphs ]] |
-  ​| Aya  | [[ https://​link.springer.com/​content/​pdf/​10.1186/​s13015-020-00164-3.pdf | Alignment- and reference-free phylogenomics with colored de Bruijn graphs ]] | + ​4  ​| Aya  | [[ https://​link.springer.com/​content/​pdf/​10.1186/​s13015-020-00164-3.pdf | Alignment- and reference-free phylogenomics with colored de Bruijn graphs ]] | 
-  ​| Christoph ​ | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​645721v1.full.pdf | Viral quasispecies reconstruction via contig abundance estimation in variation graphs ]] |+ ​5  ​| Christoph ​ | [[ https://​www.biorxiv.org/​content/​10.1101/​645721v1.full.pdf | Viral quasispecies reconstruction via contig abundance estimation in variation graphs ]] |
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