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Computational Pangenomics

M.Sc. Tizian Schulz
Seminar: Wednesday, 10.15-11.45 in U10-146
Office hours: by arrangement
Office: U10-141


Based on original research papers, the participants will give oral presentations (20-45 min, optimally about 25 min's) and write short summaries (ca. 5 pages), both in English, about current algorithmic problems in computational pangenomics and their solutions. Each week, we cover another aspect of scientific writing and put it into practice. Deadline for the written summary is one week after the presentation.


22.04. Preliminaries, topic selection
06.05. Intro to LaTeX, reading
13.05. Scientific writing
20.05. Introductions, conclusions
27.05. Math
03.06. Tables, figures, algorithms
10.06. Checklist, writing
17.06. Intro to presentations (in LaTeX Beamer)
24.06. presentations (1)
01.07. presentations (2)
08.07. presentations (3)
15.07. presentations (4)


The topic of the talk/report should be recent algorithmic problems in computational pangenomics and their solutions.

The students are encouraged to suggest their own topics.

Slot Student Paper

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