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teaching:2020summer:sa [2020/02/25 23:05]
jstoye [Prüfungstermine]
teaching:2020summer:sa [2020/02/25 23:05]
jstoye [Übungen]
Line 26: Line 26:
 | **Termin** ​ | **Tutor** | **Raum** ​ | **eKVV** | | **Termin** ​ | **Tutor** | **Raum** ​ | **eKVV** |
-| tba | NN | U10-146 ​| | +| tba | NN | TBA | | 
-| tba | NN | U10-146 ​| | +| tba | NN | TBA | | 
-| tba | NN | U10-146 ​| |+| tba | NN | TBA | |
 ===== Prüfungstermine ===== ===== Prüfungstermine =====