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teaching:2024summer:sa3 [2024/05/16 11:05]
teaching:2024summer:sa3 [2024/06/13 10:39]
jstoye [Topics]
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 | 09.05.2024 | (Ascension Day) | -- | | 09.05.2024 | (Ascension Day) | -- |
 | 16.05.2024 | Suffix array construction in liner time (LB) |  {{teaching:​2024summer:​sa3:​sa3-ex5.pdf | Exercises 5}} | | 16.05.2024 | Suffix array construction in liner time (LB) |  {{teaching:​2024summer:​sa3:​sa3-ex5.pdf | Exercises 5}} |
-| 23.05.2024 | BWT applications | |+| 23.05.2024 | BWT applications | {{teaching:​2024summer:​sa3:​exercises06BwtApplications.pdf | Exercises 6}} |
 | 30.05.2024 | (Corpus Christi) | -- | | 30.05.2024 | (Corpus Christi) | -- |
-| 06.06.2024 | Number of alignments | | +| 06.06.2024 | Number of alignments | {{teaching:​2024summer:​sa3:​exercises07NumberOfAlignments.pdf | Exercises 7}} 
-| 13.06.2024 | Length-normalized alignment | |+| 13.06.2024 | Length-normalized alignment | {{teaching:​2024summer:​sa3:​exercises08LengthNormalizedAlignments.pdf | Exercises 8}} |
 | 20.06.2024 | Parametric alignment | | | 20.06.2024 | Parametric alignment | |
 | 27.06.2024 | How many squares can/must a string contain? | | | 27.06.2024 | How many squares can/must a string contain? | |