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teaching:2024winter:giseminar [2024/09/10 11:41]
jstoye [Schedule]
teaching:2024winter:giseminar [2024/10/14 14:37] (current)
jstoye [Schedule]
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 ^ **Date** ^ **Topic** ^ **Name** ^ ^ **Date** ^ **Topic** ^ **Name** ^
 | 07.10.2024 | -- | -- | | 07.10.2024 | -- | -- |
-| 14.10.2024 | | | +| 14.10.2024 | Organization of the seminar ​-- 
-| 21.10.2024 | | |+| 21.10.2024 | -- -- |
 | 28.10.2024 | -- | -- | | 28.10.2024 | -- | -- |
-| 04.11.2024 | | | +| 04.11.2024 | Tree for a Tango | | 
-| 11.11.2024 | | | +| 11.11.2024 | Filling the gap Marília DVB/Jens S 
-| 18.11.2024 | | | +| 18.11.2024 | CARP again again Leonard B/Jens S 
-| 25.11.2024 | | |+| 25.11.2024 | Hyper k-mers ​Lucas R |
 | 02.12.2024 | | | | 02.12.2024 | | |
-| 09.12.2024 | | | +| 09.12.2024 | PanProPh ​Tizian Sch/Roland W 
-| 16.12.2024 | | |+| 16.12.2024 | (reserved) ​| |
 | Winter break ||| | Winter break |||
-| 06.01.2025 | | | +| 06.01.2025 | Degeneratigs ​Luca P 
-| 13.01.2025 | | | +| 13.01.2025 | Other Master student(s) ​
-| 20.01.2025 | | | +| 20.01.2025 | HGT with SANS and Corer Hauke G 
-| 27.01.2025 | | |+| 27.01.2025 | Implementation of Algorithms ​various presenters ​|