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teaching:2024winter:journalclub [2024/08/26 08:49]
leonard [Schedule]
teaching:2024winter:journalclub [2024/10/17 21:24] (current)
mbraga [Contents]
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-====== ​Bioinformatics ​Journal Club (2S)  ====== +====== ​Research Café (Bioinf. ​Journal Club(2S)  ====== 
-|[[https://​ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/​kvv_publ/​publ/​vd?​id=475090423|392172]]|Bohnenkämper ​| Winter 2024/25 | Monday 10:00-12:00 | U10-155 |+|[[https://​ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/​kvv_publ/​publ/​vd?​id=475090423|392172]]| ​Dias Vieira Braga | Winter 2024/25 | Monday 10:00-12:00 | U10-155 |
 ==== Contents ==== ==== Contents ====
-We read and discuss research articles from different fields in computational biology. The specific articles are selected after discussions with the attendees. If no consensus is found, one paper will be imposed. The goal is that each participant will be able to present at least one paper during this semester. 
-To get credit pointsstudents must show proficiency in reading, discussing, and presenting ​original research papers or other scientific literature.+This time our Journal Club will again be a “Research café” with the title “(Computer) Science and society”. 
 +Our goal is to do a grand tour of the limitations of sciencemathematics,​ and of reason itself. 
 +We will read and discuss scientific work that can illuminate our ideas. The specific works/​articles are selected after discussions with the attendees.  
 +This course only requires ​proficiency in reading, discussing, and presenting scientific literature ​and is open to everyone. 
 + In general we thought of having an open space, as a round table, in which everyone will have a chance to express opinions and listen. The goal is more to enlarge our scientific views and critical senses, but we may also find new answers and pathways to follow.
-==== Topic for this Semester ==== 
-TBA, but ideas are welcome. 
 ==== Schedule ==== ==== Schedule ====
 ^ **Date** ^ **Topic** ^ **Name** ^ ^ **Date** ^ **Topic** ^ **Name** ^
-|07.10.2024 | Decide on Topic | Everyone |+|07.10.2024 | Organization of the class | Everyone ​
 +|14.10.2024 | More organization | Everyone | 
 +|21.10.2024 | Proven Impossible - first parts | Jens |