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 +====== Some basic information about the WABI conferences ======
 +We have an official web site in preparation,​ accessible under the following two addresses:
 +  * [[https://​sites.google.com/​view/​wabi-conference]]
 +  * [[https://​www.wabi-conference.org]]
 +==== Steering Committee ====
 +  * Vincent Moulton (since 09/​2012) ​
 +  * Nadia Pisanti (since 09/2022)
 +  * Mona Singh (since 09/2022)
 +  * Jens Stoye (since 09/​2012) ​
 +retired: ​
 +  * Gary Benson (2004, according to WABI 2004 web page) 
 +  * Rod Page (2004, according to WABI 2004 web page) 
 +  * Roderic Guigo (2003-2004, according to WABI 2003/2004 web pages) ​
 +  * Dan Gusfield (2003-2004, according to WABI 2003/2004 web pages) ​
 +  * Olivier Gascuel (2002-2004, according to WABI 2002/​2003/​2004 web pages) ​
 +  * Raffaele Giancarlo (2002-2004, according to WABI 2002/​2003/​2004 web pages) ​
 +  * Jotun Hein (2002, according to WABI 2002 web page) 
 +  * Erik Meineche-Schmidt (2002, according to WABI 2002 web page) 
 +  * Bernard Moret (2001-09/​2022) ​
 +  * Tandy Warnow (09/​2012-09/​2022)
 +==== Conference Venues ====
 +  * 2027 TBA (Boston, MA, USA?)
 +  * 2026 TBA
 +  * 2025 University of Maryland, MD, USA
 +  * [[https://​algo-conference.org/​2024/​wabi/​|2024 Egham, UK]] (part of ALGO)
 +  * [[https://​acm-bcb.org/​WABI/​2023/​|2023 Houston, TX, USA]] (co-located with ACM-BCB)
 +  * [[https://​algo2022.eu/​wabi/​|2022 Potsdam, Germany]] (part of ALGO)
 +  * [[https://​acm-bcb.org/​WABI/​2021/​|2021 virtual in Chicago, IL, USA]] (co-located with ACM-BCB)
 +  * [[http://​algo2020.di.unipi.it/​WABI2020/​index.html|2020 virtual in Pisa, Italy]] (part of ALGO)
 +  * [[http://​acm-bcb.org/​WABI/​2019/​|2019 Niagara Falls, NY, USA]] (co-located with ACM-BCB)
 +  * [[http://​algo2018.hiit.fi/​wabi/​|2018 Helsinki, Finland]] (part of ALGO)
 +  * [[http://​www.acm-bcb.org/​WABI/​2017/​|2017 Boston, MA, USA]] (co-located with ACM-BCB)
 +  * [[http://​conferences.au.dk/​algo16/​wabi|2016 Aarhus, Denmark]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​wabi.gatech.edu|2015 Atlanta, GA, USA]] (co-located with ACM-BCB) ​
 +  * [[http://​algo2014.ii.uni.wroc.pl|2014 Wrocław, Poland]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​algo2013.inria.fr/​wabi.shtml|2013 Sofia Antipolis, France]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​algo12.fri.uni-lj.si/?​file=wabi|2012 Ljubljana, Slowenia]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/​members/​sagot/​htdocs/​wabi2011/​wabi2011.html|2011 Saarbrücken,​ Germany]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​algo2010.csc.liv.ac.uk/​wabi/​|2010 Liverpool, U.K.]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​www.wabi09.org/​|2009 Philadelphia,​ PA, USA]] (independent) ​
 +  * [[http://​algo2008.org/​doku.php/​wabi|2008 Karlsruhe, Germany]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​www.wabi07.org/​conference/​index.htm|2007 Philadelphia,​ PA, USA]] (independent) ​
 +  * [[http://​algo06.inf.ethz.ch/​wabi|2006 Zurich, Switzerland]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​www.lsi.upc.edu/​~algo05/?​cmd=wabi2005|2005 Mallorca, Spain]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​www.ii.uib.no/​algo2004/​wabi2004/​|2004 Bergen, Norway]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​www.conferences.hu/​algo2003/​WABI-Call-for-papers.htm|2003 Budapest, Hungary]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​www.dis.uniroma1.it/​algo02/​wabi02/​|2002 Rome, Italy]] (part of ALGO) 
 +  * [[http://​cs.au.dk/​~gerth/​algo2001/​wabi2001/​|2001 Aarhus, Denmark]] (part of ALGO)
 +==== OC Chairs ====
 +Checklist for OC chairs: {{wabi:​oc-checklist.txt|click here}}.
 +  * 2024 Argyrios Deligkas, Eduard Eiben (for ALGO)
 +  * 2023 Byung Jun, Tamer Kahveci (general chairs for ACM-BCB and WABI)
 +  * 2022 Tobias Friedrich, Pascal Lenzner, Gregor Lagodzinski,​ Timo Kötzing (for ALGO)
 +  * 2021 Hongmei Jiang, Xiuzhen Huang, Jiajie Zhang (general chairs for ACM-BCB and WABI)
 +  * 2020 Roberto Grossi (for ALGO)
 +  * 2019 Xinghua (Mindy) Shi, Michael Buck (general chairs for ACM-BCB and WABI)
 +  * 2018 Parinya Chalermsook,​ Petteri Kaski, Jukka Suomela (for ALGO)
 +  * 2017 Nurit Haspel, Lenore J. Cowen (general chairs for ACM-BCB and WABI)
 +  * 2016 Gerth Stølting Brodal (for ALGO)
 +  * 2015 Srinivas Aluru (general chair for ACM-BCB and WABI) 
 +  * 2014 Jarosław Byrka, Leszek Pacholski (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2013 Monique Teillaud (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2012 Andrej Brodnik (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2011 Kurt Mehlhorn (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2010 Leszek Gąsieniec (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2009 Junhyong Kim 
 +  * 2008 Peter Sanders, Dorothea Wagner (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2007 Junhyong Kim 
 +  * 2006 Michael Hoffmann (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2005 Josep Lluís Ferrer, Maria Serna (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2004 Fedor Fomin, Pinar Heggernes (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2003 János Csirik, Csanád Imreh, Boglárka Tóth, Tamás Vinkó (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2002 Giorgio Ausiello, Fabrizio d'​Amore,​ Camil Demetrescu, Silvana Di Vincenzo, Paolo Giulio Franciosa, Daniele Frigioni, Stefano Leonardi, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela,​ Alessandro Panconesi (for ALGO) 
 +  * 2001 Gerth Stølting Brodal (for ALGO)
 +==== PC Chairs ====
 +Checklist for PC chairs: {{wabi:​pc-checklist-2024.txt|click here}}. ​
 +  * 2024 Solon Pissis, Wing-Kin Sung
 +  * 2023 Aïda Ouangraoua, Djamal Belazzougui
 +  * 2022 Christina Boucher, Sven Rahmann
 +  * 2021 Alessandra Carbone, Mohammed El-Kebir
 +  * 2020 Carl Kingsford, Nadia Pisanti
 +  * 2019 Dan Gusfield, Katharina Huber
 +  * 2018 Laxmi Parida, Esko Ukkonen
 +  * 2017 Knut Reinert, Russell Schwartz
 +  * 2016 Martin Frith, Christian N. S. Pedersen ​
 +  * 2015 Mihai Pop, Hélène Touzet ​
 +  * 2014 Dan Brown, Burkhard Morgenstern ​
 +  * 2013 Aaron Darling, Jens Stoye 
 +  * 2012 Ben Raphael, Jijun Tang 
 +  * 2011 Teresa Przytycka, Marie-France Sagot 
 +  * 2010 Vincent Moulton, Mona Singh 
 +  * 2009 Steven Salzberg, Tandy Warnow ​
 +  * 2008 Keith Crandall, Jens Lagergren ​
 +  * 2007 Raffaele Giancarlo, Sridhar Hannenhalli ​
 +  * 2006 Philipp Bucher, Bernard Moret 
 +  * 2005 Rita Casadio, Gene Myers 
 +  * 2004 Inge Jonassen, Junhyong Kim 
 +  * 2003 Gary Benson, Roderic Page 
 +  * 2002 Roderic Guigo, Dan Gusfield ​
 +  * 2001 Olivier Gascuel, Bernard Moret
 +==== Keynote Speakers ====
 +  * 2024 Tomáš Vinař (Comenius University, Slovakia)
 +  * 2023 Teresa Przytycka (NCBI/​NLM/​NIH,​ USA)
 +  * 2022 Leena Salmela (University of Helsinki, Finland)
 +  * 2021 Mona Singh (Princeton University, USA)
 +  * 2020 Dan Gusfield (UC Davis, USA)
 +  * 2019 Nadia El-Mabrouk (Université de Montréal, Canada)
 +  * 2018 Mihai Pop (University of Maryland, USA)
 +  * 2017 Tandy Warnow (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,​ USA)
 +  * 2016 Kiyoshi Asai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
 +  * 2015 Paola Bonizzoni (Università Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca,​ Italy) ​
 +  * 2014 Hélène Touzet (University of Lille, France) ​
 +  * 2013 Bernard Moret (EPFL, Switzerland) ​
 +  * 2012 Jens Stoye (Bielefeld University, Germany) ​
 +  * 2011 Vincent Moulton (University of East Anglia, U.K.) 
 +  * 2010 Eran Halperin (Tel Aviv University, Israel and ICSI, Berkeley, CA, USA), Paolo Ferragina (University of Pisa, Italy) ​
 +  * 2009 Shelley Berger (University of Pennsylvania,​ PA, USA), Elchanan Mossel (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) ​
 +  * 2008 Eytan Ruppin (Tel Aviv University, Israel) ​
 +  * 2007 Maja Bucan (University of Pennsylvania,​ PA, USA), Pavel Pevzner (UC San Diego, CA, USA)  ​
 +  * 2006 Ron Shamir (Tel Aviv University, Israel) ​
 +  * 2005 Marino Zerial (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany) ​
 +  * 2004 Marie-France Sagot (Inria Rhône-Alpes,​ Lyon, France) ​
 +  * 2003 Francois Major (Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada) ​
 +  * 2002 Gene Myers (Celera Genomics, USA) 
 +  * 2001 [Gene Myers (Celera Genomics, USA) - cancelled]
 +==== Program Committees ====
 +Conflict-of-interest Policy: {{wabi:​coi-2016.txt|click here}}.
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2024.txt|2024}} (32 members)
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2023.txt|2023}} (48 members)
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2022.txt|2022}} (47 members)
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2021.txt|2021}} (60 members)
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2020.txt|2020}} (50 members)
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2019.txt|2019}} (54 members)
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2018.txt|2018}} (54 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2017.txt|2017}} (55 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2016.txt|2016}} (52 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2015.txt|2015}} (58 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2014.txt|2014}} (55 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2013.txt|2013}} (63 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2012.txt|2012}} (58 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2011.txt|2011}} (63 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2010.txt|2010}} (47 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2009.txt|2009}} (60 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2008.txt|2008}} (39 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2007.txt|2007}} (50 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2006.txt|2006}} (32 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2005.txt|2005}} (40 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2004.txt|2004}} (33 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2003.txt|2003}} (28 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2002.txt|2002}} (29 members) ​
 +  * {{wabi:​pc2001.txt|2001}} (22 members) ​
 +==== Submissions ====
 +  * 2024: 46 (22 accepted, 48%)
 +  * 2023: 44 (22 accepted, 50%)
 +  * 2022: 44 (24 accepted, 55%)
 +  * 2021: 38 (20 accepted, 53%)
 +  * 2020: 38 (19 accepted, 50%)
 +  * 2019: 47 (24 accepted, 51%)
 +  * 2018: 57 (25 accepted, 44%)
 +  * 2017: 55 (27 accepted, 49%)
 +  * 2016: 56 (27 accepted, 48%)
 +  * 2015: 57 (26 accepted, 46%) 
 +  * 2014: 61 (27 accepted, 44%) 
 +  * 2013: 61 (27 accepted, 44%) 
 +  * 2012: 92 (35 accepted, 38%) 
 +  * 2011: 77 (30 accepted, 39%) 
 +  * 2010: 83 (30 accepted, 36%) 
 +  * 2009: 90 (34 accepted, 38%) 
 +  * 2008: 81 (32 accepted, 40%) 
 +  * 2007: 133 (37 accepted, 28%) 
 +  * 2006: 100 (36 accepted, 36%) 
 +  * 2005: 94 (35 accepted, 37%) 
 +  * 2004: 117 (39 accepted, 33%) 
 +  * 2003: 78 (36 accepted, 46%) 
 +  * 2002: 83 (39 accepted, 47%) 
 +  * 2001: 50 (23 accepted, 46%) 
 +==== Proceedings Volume ====
 +Statement by Editors-in-Chief on publishing extended versions in AMB:  {{wabi:​wabi_amb-2018.txt|click here}}
 +  * 2024: [[LIPIcs Vol. 312]] (extended versions of selected papers will appear in a Thematic Series of AMB)
 +  * 2023: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-295-4|LIPIcs Vol. 273]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2023|extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2022: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-243-3|LIPIcs Vol. 242]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2022| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2021: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-200-6|LIPIcs Vol. 201]] (extended versions of selected papers will appear in a Thematic Series of AMB)
 +  * 2020: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-161-0|LIPIcs Vol. 172]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2020| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2019: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-123-8|LIPIcs Vol. 143]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2019| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2018: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-082-8|LIPIcs Vol. 113]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2018| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2017: [[https://​www.dagstuhl.de/​dagpub/​978-3-95977-050-7|LIPIcs Vol. 88]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2017| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2016: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-319-43681-4|LNBI 9838]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2016| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2015: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-662-48221-6|LNBI 9289]] ([[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2015| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2014: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-662-44753-6|LNBI 8701]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in AMB)
 +  * 2013: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-642-40453-5|LNBI 8126]] (also in [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1308.1157|arxiv]];​ extended versions of selected papers appeared in AMB) 
 +  * 2012: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-642-33122-0|LNBI 7534]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in AMB)
 +  * 2011: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-642-23038-7|LNBI 6833]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in AMB)
 +  * 2010: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-642-15294-8|LNBI 6293]] ([[http://​beta.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi2010| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2009: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-642-04241-6|LNBI 5724]] ([[http://​beta.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​wabi| extended proceedings appeared as a Collection in AMB]])
 +  * 2008: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-540-87361-7|LNBI 5251]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2007: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-540-74126-8|LNBI 4645]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2006: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​11851561|LNBI 4175]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2005: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​11557067|LNBI 3692]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2004: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​b100405|LNBI 3240]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2003: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​b13243|LNBI 2812]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2002: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​3-540-45784-4|LNCS 2452]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +  * 2001: [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​3-540-44696-6|LNCS 2149]] (extended versions of selected papers appeared in ???)
 +==== Registration Fees (full/​student early, full/​student late) ====
 +  * 2024: 350£/​250£,​ 450£/350£ ("​First-Half"​) - including coffee breaks, lunches and welcome reception; conference dinner +90£ (included only in "​Full"​ registration,​ +200£/​+180£)
 +  * 2023: 945$/695$, 1045$/795$ for ACM-BCB & WABI, 200$ discount for ACM/SIGBio members - including coffee breaks, lunches, poster session reception, conference dinner
 +  * 2022: 300€/​200€,​ 400€/​300€ ("​half"​ week) - including coffee breaks, lunches and welcome reception; conference dinner +100€ (included only in "​full"​ week registration,​ +200€)
 +  * 2021: 50$ for students, 100$ for ACM/SIGBio members/​150$ general (virtual conference due to coronavirus pandemics)
 +  * 2020: free registration (virtual conference due to coronavirus pandemics)
 +  * 2019: 780$/500$, 880$/600$ for ACM-BCB & WABI, 100$ discount for ACM/SIGBio members - including breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner
 +  * 2018: 330€/​240€,​ 495€/​360€ for ALGO (assuming 3-day attendance) - including coffee breaks, lunches, excursion, banquet, reception
 +  * 2017: 780$/500$, 880$/600$ for ACM-BCB & WABI, 100$ discount for ACM/SIGBio members - including coffee breaks, conference dinner (not for students), not including lunches
 +  * 2016: 240€/​190€,​ 375€/​280€ for ALGO (assuming 3-day attendance) - including coffee breaks, lunches, conference dinner and barbecue
 +  * 2015: 700$/500$, 800$/600$ for ACM-BCB & WABI, 100$ discount for ACM/SIGBio members - including breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner ​
 +  * 2014: 220€/​170€,​ 310€/​260€ for ALGO (assuming 3-day attendance) - including coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner ​
 +  * 2013: 430€/​380€,​ 540€/​480€ for ALGO - including coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner ​
 +  * 2012:  ​
 +  * 2011:  ​
 +  * 2010:  ​
 +  * 2009: 350$/200$, 425$/275$ for WABI only - including ??? 
 +  * 2008: 
 +  * 2007:  ​
 +  * 2006: 
 +  * 2005:  ​
 +  * 2004:  ​
 +  * 2003: 75,000 HUF/45,000 HUF, 90,000 HUF/60,000 HUF for ALGO, including coffee breaks lunches and banquet ​
 +  * 2002: 
 +  * 2001: