392188 | Herms, Stoye | Summer 2010 | Thursday 16-18 in U10-146 | ekvv |
In this seminar, current topics of the Genome Informatics research group are presented.
(In dieser Veranstaltung wird in Vorträgen über aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe Genominformatik berichtet.)
Date | Topic | Name |
15.04.2010 | Bachelor projects | Yvonne Herrmann, Martin Tötsches, Raphael Reisch, Kai-Bernd Stadermann, Adrian Frischkorn, Benedikt Löwes, Annica Seidel |
22.04.2010 | PhD defense | Naryttza N. Diaz |
29.04.2010 | — | Jens @Recomb |
06.05.2010 | Bee colonies and DCJ | Marilia Braga |
13.05.2010 | — | (Christi Himmelfahrt) |
20.05.2010 | Restrictive sorting in O(n log n) time | Jakub Kovac |
01.06.2010 | How to nail metabolites in two dimensions - Retention Index Calculation for metabolites in GCxGC-MS | Nils Hoffmann |
03.06.2010 | — | (Fronleichnam) |
10.06.2010 | — | Jens @Dagstuhl |
17.06.2010 | DCJ with insertions and deletions | Eyla Willing |
24.06.2010 | Approximate gene cluster detection 2.0 | Katharina Jahn |
01.07.2010 | Programming results | Participants of Algorithmische Implementierung |
08.07.2010 | — | (ISMB) |
15.07.2010 | Analyzing Ion mobility spectrometry data - Software demonstration and use cases | Alexander Bunkowski |
22.07.2010 | MetaTrans: Introduction to Metatranscriptomics and a first approach to develop a software platform for this research topic | Christina Ander |
29.07.2010 | Sebastian Janowski | |
02.09.2010 | Bachelor results | Martin Tötsches, Kai-Bernd Stadermann, Adrian Frischkorn, Benedikt Löwes |
16.09.2010 | Bachelor results GCB Rehearsal | Yvonne Herrmann, Raphael Reisch Peter Husemann |
later | Sebastian Jünemann, Lukas Jelonek |