392171 | Marilia Braga | Mi 14-16 | U10-146 | ekvv |
every Wednesday from 16.00 to 17.00 in room U10-141
14.04.2010 | Introduction | Marilia |
21.04.2010 | Organization | Marilia |
28.04.2010 | — | |
05.05.2010 | Common Intervals | Nicole & Svea |
12.05.2010 | DCJ | Julia & Linda |
12.05.2010 | Genome Halving under DCJ | Benedikt & Sebastian |
19.05.2010 | — | Dies academicus |
26.05.2010 | Block-interchanges | Denis & Lisa-Maria |
02.06.2010 | Sorting by reversals | Lina, Maureen & Farrin |
09.06.2010 | Perfect DCJ rearrangements | Niclas & Hakan |
09.06.2010 | Perfect sorting by reversals | Robert & Henry |
16.06.2010 | Perfect reversal median | Christian, Philipp & Ansgar |
23.06.2010 | Multichromosomal genome median and halving problems | Sarah, Konstantin & Stanislaw |
30.06.2010 | — | |
07.07.2010 | Sorting a bridge hand | Dominic & Erwin |
14.07.2010 | On the Toric Graph as a Tool to Handle the Problem of Sorting by Transpositions | Nina & Jennifer |
21.07.2010 | Deadline for the first version of the report | All |
Oral presentations take 20+20 minutes (groups of 2) or 15+15+15 minutes (groups of 3). Every group writes a written summary of 15 pages (groups of 2) or 18 pages (groups of 3). The first version has to be handed in by July 21, 2010.
In this seminar we will see combinatoric approaches for problems involving large scale genome rearrangements, such as inversions, fusions, fissions, translocations, block-interchanges and transpositions:
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