Arbeitsgruppenseminar Genominformatik

392188 Husemann, Stoye Summer 2011 Thursday 16-18 in U10-146 ekvv

Course Description

In this seminar, current topics of the Genome Informatics research group are presented.

(In dieser Veranstaltung wird in Vorträgen über aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe Genominformatik berichtet.)


Date Topic Name
07.04.2011 Organisation Peter Husemann
05.05.2011 Modelling and simulation with the aid of graph theory in Modelica Willi Braun
12.05.2011 Bachelor kickoff talks Nicole Althermeler, Svea Kokott, Stanislaw Loschitzki, Juri Ritter
09.06.2011 Bachelor kickoff talk\\Consistency of Structural Variation Predictions - How Linear Programming can be useful without actually solving Linear Programs. (Including a brief introduction to LPs for dummies like me.) Corinna Sickinger\\Roland Wittler
16.06.2011 Taxonomic classification of high-throughput sequenced 16S RNA amplicons. - Add-on zum Mini-Symposiums-Vortrag Sebastian Jünemann
30.06.2011 My PhD project Rolf Hilker
Fr. 08.07.2011, 14ct Visualization in EDGAR and VAMP Jochen Blom
Mi. 21.09.2011, 11st Two guest lectures Sebastian Böcker
29.09.2011 MZ5 and MSTK Mathias Wilhelm