392188 | Stoye | Winter 2011/12 | Thursday 16-18 in U10-146 | ekvv |
In this seminar, current topics of the Genome Informatics research group are presented.
(In dieser Veranstaltung wird in Vorträgen über aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe Genominformatik berichtet.)
Date | Topic | Name |
13.10.2011 | Bachelor thesis final presentations\\Project presentation | Svea Kokott, Juri Ritter, Corinna Sickinger, Stanislaw Loschitzki Konstantin Otte |
20.10.2011 | — | (Jens in Berlin) |
27.10.2011 | — | (Jens in Aarhus) |
03.11.2011 | Detektion von einzelnen DNA-Molekülen mittels laserinduzierter Fluoreszenz - Ein biophotonischer Ansatz | Idir Yahiatene |
10.11.2011 | Organizational matters | Jens Stoye |
17.11.2011 | Dynamic FM-Index for a Collection of Texts with Application to Space-efficient Construction of the Compressed Suffix Array. | Wolfgang Gerlach |
24.11.2011 | Sequence analysis of the Rhizottia solani AG1-IB genome with emphasis on fungal pathogencity determinants | Daniel Wibberg |
01.12.2011 | Functional Gene Cluster Detection | Daniel Dörr |
08.12.2011 | DNA compression | Sascha McSporran |
15.12.2011\\at 15:15 | Sampling DCJ scenarios | Eyla Willing |
22.12.2011 | — | almost christmas break |
29.12.2011 | — | christmas break |
05.01.2012 | — | christmas break |
12.01.2012 | Using BWT, run-length encoding and Huffman encoding to compress large read sets | Tobias Jakobi |
19.01.2012 | — | (Jens in Paris) |
26.01.2012 | SequenceWorkshop2012 | |
02.02.2012 | Methods for the analysis of metatranscriptomes Progress in the genome project of the phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IB | Christina Ander \\Lukas Jelonek |
09.02.2012 | MGX - A flexible metagenome annotation platform | Sebastian Jaenicke |
05.03.2012\\at 13:15 | On the relation between gene organization, functional gene groups and cancer | Annelyse Thévenin |
15.03.2012 | Mining phenotype-genotype association data | Alexander Berhörster |
29.03.2012 | A stochastic model of the T-cell activation | Robert Steinfelder |