Genome Informatics Research Seminar (2S)

392188 Sundermann Winter 2017/18 Monday, 14-16 in U10-146 ekvv

Short Description

In this seminar, current research of the working group Genominformatik is reported.

(In dieser Veranstaltung wird in Vorträgen über aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe Genominformatik berichtet.)


Date Topic Name
09.10.2017 Organisation of the seminar (Jens Stoye because Linda is away. Thanks Jens!)
23.10.2017 DENGEVOLOMICS: Analyzing the genetic interaction between the dengue virus and the mosquito vector Kassian Kobert
30.10.2017 Tuesday and Wednesday are free (Reformationstag + Allerheiligen)
06.11.2017 (Linda in Berlin)
20.11.2017 (Workshop on Computational Data Science in Bioinformatics)
27.11.2017 Jumping Alignment Revisited Sebastian Jünemann
04.12.2017 Gene Cluster Models Applied in Pezizomycetes Omar Castillo
11.12.2017 Sorting linear and circular genomes by super-short operations Jens Stoye
18.12.2017 PLAST - Pangenome Local Alignment Search Tool Tizian Schulz
– X-mas break –
08.01.2018 RNA entropies with SCFGs Michel T. Henrichs
15.01.2018 Comparing k-mer based core-genome computation to the gene based approach EDGAR Tina Zekic
29.01.2018 Kick-off talk & Reviewing ambiguous lineage relations Kevin Krofta & Linda K. Sundermann
12.02.2018 Functional Genomics & On Computing the DCJ Distance with Duplications, Insertions, and Deletions Daniel Dörr & Ana Damatar

Later: Roland Wittler, Pina Krell

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