392217 | Wittler | Winter 2018/19 | Tuesday 14-16 in U10-116 (DiDy meeting room) | ekvv |
14ct in U10-146 (DiDy meeting room)
02.04. | Administratives, organization |
09.04. | Update on our projects, Olga brings some intricate sections of her manuscript |
16.04. | Boas: PhD rehearsal talk |
23.04. | – (no seminar, almost a holiday) |
30.04. | Roland: Study regulations: ideas for an update? |
07.05. | Roland: Supervision agreements |
14.05. | – (no seminar) |
21.05. | Nicole: Some pseudocode |
28.05. | Tizian: Sampling de-Bruijn graphs |
04.06. | Liren Ph.D. rehearsal |
11.06. | External Speaker: Mike Steel (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) Birth-death models in phylogenetics: symmetries, shapes, and the loss of biodiversity |
18.06. | Liren: Defence |
25.06. | – (no seminar) |
02.07. | – (no seminar, some people in China) |
09.07. | – (no seminar, Roland in Cologne) |