Classic Papers in Comparative Genomics (2S)

392131 Bohnenkämper Summer 2022 Thursday, 14-16 in U10-146

Important Notice for New Students

If you are interested in the seminar (for example, because you need a seminar to complement the Phylogenetics course) but missed our first session, please send me an e-mail detailing which topic you would like to cover with your presentation and summary.


The students will read influential research papers on Comparative Genomics from earlier periods. Each student will select one such paper and give a preferably concise oral presentation (~ 25 min). They will subsequently write a summary of their chosen paper. Whether the summary passes or not is decided primarily on its clarity and completeness, not its length.

Both the presentation and the summary are requested to be in English as it is the dominant language of the research in this area.

In the initial sessions after the assignment of topics, we will discuss the papers as a group and resolve any questions or difficulties together. Optionally (depending on the experience of the students), we will also cover an aspect of scientific reading and writing in each of these sessions.

The class will be held in person in U10-146 as long as the current situation is favorable enough. On student request or resulting from a change in the situation, the class may be transferred to a hybrid or Zoom class.


  • The written summary is to be handed in at most two weeks after the presentation.
  • If you are unsure whether your presentation fits the format, you should make an appointment with me approximately one week before the presentation.


Date Topic Name Reading Homework
07.04.2022 Topic Selection / Organizational Matters Leonard Sankoff 1992
14.04.2022 Christian Holiday Sankoff 1992, Hannenhalli & Pevzner 1999 (if you want)
21.04.2022 Discussion Sankoff 1992 / Introduction to Reversal Distance Leonard Caprara 1999
28.04.2022 Discussion Caprara 1999
12.05.2022 Presentation Caprara 1999 Luca TBA
19.05.2022 TBA (Discussion) TBA
26.05.2022 Christian holiday, reading week
02.06.2022 TBA (Discussion) TBA
16.06.2022 Christian holiday, reading week
07.07.2022 Leonard away, reading week

Suggested Literature

Reversal Model

DCJ Model

Your own ideas?

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