Genome Informatics Research Seminar (2S)

392188 Stoye Summer 2022 Monday 14-16 in U10-146

Short Description

In this seminar, current research of the Genome Informatics group is reported.

(In dieser Veranstaltung wird in Vorträgen über aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe Genominformatik berichtet.)


Date Topic Name
11.04.2022 Organization of the seminar Jens S
18.04.2022 – (Easter Monday) –
25.04.2022 Founder set construction under allelic and non-allelic homologous recombination Daniel D
02.05.2022 Sequence-based Pangenomic Core Detection Tizian Sch
09.05.2022 Viewing Compeau's Model via True Indel Operations Leonard B
23.05.2022 Open and closed pangenomes with k-mer counting Luca P
30.05.2022 Optimal Encoding of Canonical k-mers
SOCKS and PanBench
Roland W
Andreas R
06.06.2022 – (Whit Monday) –
13.06.2022 – (DSB 2022, Düsseldorf) –
04.07.2022 – (PANGAIA/ALPACA Summer School, Como/Italy) –
22.08.2022 A linear time algorithm for an extended version of the breakpoint double distance
Gene orthology inference via large-scale rearrangements for partially assembled genomes
Katharina K
Diego R

Missing: Jens S, Marília DVB, Kassian K, Martin Z