392172 | Stoye | Summer 2022 | Monday 10:15-11:45 | U10-155 |
We read and discuss current research articles from different fields in computational biology. The specific topics will be selected at the beginning of the semester.
To get credit points, students have to show proficiency in reading, discussing and presenting original research papers and other scientific literature.
Exercises from the book: Dan Gusfield "Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology" Cambridge University Press, 1997
Date | Topic | Name |
04.04.2022 | – | – |
11.04.2022 | Organization of the seminar, 1.1-1.4 | Jens S, everybody |
18.04.2022 | – (Easter Monday) – | |
25.04.2022 | 1.5-1.10 | everybody |
02.05.2022 | 1.11-1.12 | everybody |
09.05.2022 | 1.13, 2.1-2.7 | everybody |
16.05.2022 | 2.8-2.12 | everybody |
23.05.2022 | 2.13-2.25 | everybody |
30.05.2022 | 2.26-2.28 | everybody |
06.06.2022 | – (Whit Monday) – | |
13.06.2022 | – (DSB 2022, Düsseldorf) – | |
20.06.2022 | 2.29, 3.1-3.29 | everybody |
27.06.2022 | 3.30-4.6 | everybody |
04.07.2022 | – (PANGAIA/ALPACA Summer School, Como/Italy) – | |
11.07.2022 | 4.7-5.3 | everybody |
To be continued …