Bioinformatics Journal Club (2S)

392172 Robidou Summer 2024 Monday 10:00-12:00 U10-155


We read and discuss research articles from different fields in computational biology. The specific articles are selected after discussions with the attendees. If no consensus is found, one paper will be imposed. The goal is that each participant will be able to present at least one paper during this semester.

To get credit points, students must show proficiency in reading, discussing, and presenting original research papers or other scientific literature.


Date Topic Name
08.04.2024 Organization of the seminar Robidou L, everybody
15.04.2024 Practical Entropy-Compressed Rank/Select Dictionary Robidou L
22.04.2024 Practical Entropy-Compressed Rank/Select Dictionary Robidou L
29.04.2024 Practical Entropy-Compressed Rank/Select Dictionary Robidou L
06.05.2024 Finimizers: Variable-length bounded-frequency minimizers for k-mer sets Rempel A
13.05.2024 Finimizers: Variable-length bounded-frequency minimizers for k-mer sets Rempel A
27.05.2024 Succinct data structure for path graphs Parmigiani L
03.06.2024 Succinct data structure for path graphs Parmigiani L
10.06.2024 Fulgor: a fast and compact k-mer index for large-scale matching and color queries Roland W
17.06.2024 Practical Implementations of Compressed RAM Jens S
24.06.2024 Extremely fast construction and querying of compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs with GGCAT Parmigiani L
01.07.2024 Canadians Should Travel Randomly Robidou L
15.07.2024 Canadians Should Travel Randomly Robidou L