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teaching:2024summer:karp [2024/04/17 11:58]
teaching:2024summer:karp [2024/06/18 09:13]
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 |           | Repetition NP-completeness | Roland ​ ({{:​teaching:​2024summer:​karp:​np_completeness.pdf|slides}}) | |           | Repetition NP-completeness | Roland ​ ({{:​teaching:​2024summer:​karp:​np_completeness.pdf|slides}}) |
 |           | Example: Clique (from Satisfiability) ​ | Kassian | |           | Example: Clique (from Satisfiability) ​ | Kassian |
-| 24.04. | Scientific writing & presentations | Roland |+| 24.04. ​| [[:​teaching:​2024summer:​karp:​writing|Scientific writing]] & presentations | Roland ​{{:​teaching:​2022summer:​algbioinf:​howtoread.pdf|Slides:​ HowToRead}} [[https://​chat.openai.com/​share/​b941110b-63ce-4355-8a7f-28fd6dcc8906 
 +|chatGPT: Beautifully phrased nonsense]] ​|
 | 01.05. ​ | -- (national holiday) ||  ​ | 01.05. ​ | -- (national holiday) ||  ​
 | 08.05. | | | | 08.05. | | |
 | 15.05. | | | | 15.05. | | |
 | 22.05. |Set Packing |Olivia (Kassian)| | 22.05. |Set Packing |Olivia (Kassian)|
-| 29.05. | Exact Cover|Enna (Roland)|+| 29.05. | | |
 | 05.06. | | | | 05.06. | | |
-| 12.06. | | |+| 12.06. |Exact Cover |Enna (Roland) ​|
 | 19.06. | Partition| Asal (Kassian)| | 19.06. | Partition| Asal (Kassian)|
-| 26.06. | Steiner Tree| Franziska (Roland)|+| 26.06. | <del>Steiner Tree</​del>​| |
 | 03.07. | Abgabe Implementierung | | | 03.07. | Abgabe Implementierung | |
 | 10.07. | presentation of implementations | all | | 10.07. | presentation of implementations | all |