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teaching:2024winter:alggr [2024/08/26 15:59]
jstoye [Time table]
teaching:2024winter:alggr [2024/10/17 22:52] (current)
jstoye [Time table]
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 | **Date** ​  | **Topic** | **Exercises** | | **Date** ​  | **Topic** | **Exercises** |
 | 11.10.2024 | Introduction,​ logistics | -- | | 11.10.2024 | Introduction,​ logistics | -- |
-| 18.10.2024 | | | +| 18.10.2024 | Physical mapping (JS) {{:​teaching:​2024winter:​alggr:​exercises01PhysicalMapping.pdf|Exercises 1}} 
-| 25.10.2024 | (LR) | |+| 25.10.2024 | Sequence analysis ​(LR) / RNA structure (JS) | |
 | 01.11.2024 | (holiday) || | 01.11.2024 | (holiday) ||
-| 08.11.2024 | | | +| 08.11.2024 | Comparative genomics I (JS) | | 
-| 15.11.2024 | | | +| 15.11.2024 | Comparative genomics II (JS) | | 
-| 22.11.2024 | (LR) | | +| 22.11.2024 | Genome assembly I (LR) | | 
-| 29.11.2024 | (LR) | | +| 29.11.2024 | Genome assembly II (LR) | | 
-| 06.12.2024 | (LR) | | +| 06.12.2024 | Genome assembly III (LR) | | 
-| 13.12.2024 | | |+| 13.12.2024 | Transcriptomics (JS) | | 
 +| 20.12.2024 | Proteomics (mass spectrometry) (JS) | |
 | Winter break ||| | Winter break |||
-| 10.01.2025 | | | +| 10.01.2025 | Haplotype inference (JS) | | 
-| 17.01.2025 | | | +| 17.01.2025 | SNP-disease association mapping (JS) | | 
-| 24.01.2025 | (LR) | | +| 24.01.2025 | Pangenomics ​(LR) | | 
-| 31.01.2025 | | -- |+| 31.01.2025 | Metagenomics (LR) | -- |
 ==== Examination dates ==== ==== Examination dates ====
-Oral exams will be on 16 February ​2024 or later. Please make an appointment with the secretary in U10-151, [[https://​ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/​pers_publ/​publ/​PersonDetail.jsp?​personId=473967687|Nicole Schellenberg]].+Oral exams will be on 16 February ​2025 or later. Please make an appointment with the secretary in U10-151, [[https://​ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/​pers_publ/​publ/​PersonDetail.jsp?​personId=473967687|Nicole Schellenberg]].
-A second oral exam can be taken in March 2024. Please contact Nicole Schellenberg if you are interested.+A second oral exam can be taken in March 2025. Please contact Nicole Schellenberg if you are interested.